Friday, October 26, 2012

[AffirmationstoDe-Stress] MORNING COFFEE

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"Your life will always be, to a large extent, what you make it."
Your life is yours. You own it, and what you make of it is purely up to you. Others may support you in your aspirations, but, in the end, it's your creation. You are your one and only boss, and with that awareness comes a special responsibility.
Once you accept this responsibility and stop waiting around for others to make you happy, you will become unstoppable. There will be no denying you. Your life will change, all because of you.
So, turn on the green light and go!
©Jane Powell

To listen well, you must be ready to HEAR what others are telling you. That means making your own mind quiet. And setting aside your assumptions that what you think or have to say is far more important. Listening with a receptive mind, your relationships flourish. Your world becomes far more interesting.
LISTEN to the small, quiet voice within that only ever guides you with love and compassion. Let yourself receive the inspiration of beauty and kindness. Let yourself rediscover peace in your heart. And, from that secure place, meet whatever comes.
Stephanie Dowrick
Staying positive
Life is better on many different levels when you consistently live with a positive perspective. In short, it pays to stay positive. It pays to keep yourself in a positive frame of mind, to live your life with an awareness of the positive possibilities that each moment offers. A positive perspective can actually keep you healthier, make you wealthier, lead to a more fulfilling career and improve the quality of all your relationships. Life brings greater fulfillment when it is lived from a positive frame of reference.
Will a positive attitude solve all your problems? No, but staying positive can open your eyes to the valuable opportunities within even the most difficult situations. Will a positive attitude, in and of itself, make you rich and powerful? No, but staying positive will serve as a constant reminder that you can achieve whatever you choose to achieve. Is a positive attitude a way to escape from reality? No, in fact a positive attitude is a very powerful and effective way to successfully deal with reality. Will being positive magically bring into your life all the things you desire? No, but a positive perspective can enable you to see and to follow the very real path from where you are now to where you want to be.
So how do you do that? How do you keep yourself positive as you go through the day, as you go throughout your life? It's important not just to know that you should be positive, it's important to actually stay positively focused. You can't just give lip service to being positive. Sure, it's great to remind yourself of the value of staying positive. However, that's only a starting point. What you must also do is actually implement consistent positive living into your life. Yet that can be very challenging, because the world is not always a positive place to be. There are problems. There are frustrations. There are disappointments. There are people who are angry, people who are resentful, and people who are out to hurt you. There are people who have very negative intentions, and who act on those intentions. 
Ralph Marston

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