
Thursday, January 26, 2012

让你的首饰有斤两--jmkdc Electronic scales


Dear Mr. / Ms.

Firstly, we thank you for taking the time to read our email. We'd like to introduce our company to you, as we are of the same trade. Your company sells digital scales; our company manufactures digital scales.

Our product line includes the following:

1] Pocket scales with capacities measuring from 3000g to 0.01g

2] Jewelry scales with capacities measuring from 50g to 0.001g

3] Commercial item scales with capacities measuring from 330lb to 0.2lb

4] Postal scales with capacities measuring from 660lb to 0.02lb

5] Animal Scale with capacities measuring from 1100lb to 0.22lb

   Please feel free to browse through our website at and/or contact us with any inquiries. Again, thank you for your time and attention.


Respectfully yours,


Chun AuYeung   CEO

JiangMen, GuangDong,  China

TEL.: 86-750-3389636

FAX: 86-750-3389836



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