
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Poem-A-Day: Tina Chang, The Future is an Animal

Academy of American Poets

September 6, 2012

Today's poem is copyright 2012 by Tina Chang. Used with permission of the author.

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Other Chang Poems

  • Birth
  • Celestial
  • Duality
  • Evolution of Danger
  • Infinite and Plausible

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    Academy of American Poets
    75 Maiden Lane
    Suite 901
    New York, NY 10038

    The Future is an Animal
    by Tina Chang

    In every kind of dream I am a black wolf
    careening through a web. I am the spider
    who eats the wolf and inhabits the wolf's body.
    In another dream I marry the wolf and then
    am very lonely. I seek my name and they name me
    Lucky Dragon. I would love to tell you that all
    of this has a certain ending but the most frightening
    stories are the ones with no ending at all.
    The path goes on and on. The road keeps forking,
    splitting like an endless atom, splitting
    like a lip, and the globe is on fire. As many
    times as the book is read, the pages continue
    to grow, multiply. They said, In the beginning,
    and that was the moral of the original and most
    important story. The story of man. One story.
    I laid my head down and my head was heavy.
    Hair sprouted through the skin, hair black
    and bending toward night grass. I was becoming
    the wolf again, my own teeth breaking
    into my mouth for the first time, a kind of beauty
    to be swallowed in interior bite and fever.
    My mind a miraculous ember until I am the beast.
    I run from the story that is faster than me,
    the words shatter and pant to outchase me.
    The story catches my heels when I turn
    to love its hungry face, when I am willing
    to be eaten to understand my fate.

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