Friday, November 2, 2012

[AffirmationstoDe-Stress] MORNING COFFEE

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"You're as great as your thoughts."
Imagine your ideal self – a person filled with health, happiness and prosperity. Imagine living the life of your dreams.
This life is not as distant or unreachable as it may seem. You are a reflection of your thoughts. If you think you can do great things, you will. If you think you can't, you won't.
For change to happen you need to enlarge your thoughts. You need to hold a vision of yourself that will carry you through adversity and give you the strength to climb mountains.
So, hold your ideal self in your thoughts. Stay true to it. You will become as great as what you hold in your mind.
©Jane Powell
What would it take to get you to do what you think you cannot do? What dream, what purpose, what goal will inspire you to engage with life more fully than you ever have?
What is so important to you that it will have you ignoring all the enticing distractions? What is so desirable and compelling that it will have you running out to embrace each new challenge?
Your life can be whatever you most sincerely and passionately want it to be. You are the living, growing, ever-evolving expression of the unique and wonderful you.
You are here on this day, in this place, to live the richness. You are here right now to choose a particular flavor of richness that will energize your whole world through you.
Remember how good it can feel to be you, and let that feeling lead you to your most sincere purpose. As you focus awareness on that purpose, it spreads outward and illuminates life in its own beautiful way.
What will it take to make you unstoppable? Nothing more, nothing less than the undeniable truth of who you are.

Choose goodness
The time you spend living in fear is time you cannot spend living in love. The time you spend hiding and retreating from life is time you cannot spend growing and advancing and achieving.
The hours and days you spend being annoyed or frustrated are times when you deny yourself access to life's best possibilities. When you live in anger and resentment, you cut yourself off from life's goodness.
Sure, there are many bad things that can happen. Yet you can be aware of them, and realistic about them, without being obsessed and consumed by them.
You may very well have good reasons for resentment, frustration and anger. But that doesn't mean those negative responses are good for you, or that you must choose them.
You can choose instead to live in the enriching, empowering light of your own highest visions. You can always choose to grow, to achieve, and to fulfill by immersing your awareness in life's ever-present goodness.
Every aspect of your life is greatly influenced, day in and day out, by the way you imagine life to be. Imagine the best, choose the goodness, and be a source of love and light for all to see.
Ralph Marston

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