"Challenge yourself and take a risk." One of the biggest roadblocks we face when learning new things is the fear of doing it wrong. We worry what others will think, and fear being judged by our peers. Unfortunately, this often encourages us to play it safe or not even try. So, many opportunities come and go, because we're afraid to look foolish. If you want to grow, it's time to stop worrying. Growth requires you to let down your guard and stop being self-conscious. The reality is that others don't pay as much attention as you may think. Even if they do, are they going to remember three weeks from now? Probably not. Resolve to take a risk, to put negative comments out of your head, and, most importantly, to forget about doing it wrong. If you let yourself, you will succeed – and inspire others to follow in your footsteps. ©Jane Powell Live Out and Act on Your Priorities If we want to make our days great, then we have to live out those things that will by definition make our days great. And those things are what are important to us. They are our priorities. So each morning you start out by saying, "What things are important to me today? What are the things I need to accomplish in order for me to lay down tonight and know that I lived a GREAT day?" Then you put those in order of most important to least important. Don't do what is fun. Don't do what is easy. Do what is IMPORTANT! Live out your priorities! When you do, you will guarantee that you will make your day GREAT, every day! Tomorrow, when you wake up, go through the four following points and see if you don't make tomorrow a GREAT day: Focus on today only. Understand that I get to choose how today will go. Remain in a positive attitude no matter what happens. Live out and act on my priorities. Do this and you will guarantee a GREAT day, every day! Far beyond you Your own success goes far beyond you. In this highly interconnected world, when you create value in your own life you cannot help but also create value in many other lives. True success is not selfish, even when it is undertaken for self-serving reasons. In the process of achieving your own goals, you enable those around you to achieve their goals. When value is created, it adds value to all of life. So instead of placing judgments on your intention to create value, just get busy and bring that value to life. Your dreams are not exactly like anyone else's dreams. They have a beauty all their own. Go ahead and share that beauty with all of life. Achieve and succeed in a way that's meaningful to you, and give your own goodness to the world. Bring your authentic dreams to life. For when you do, all of life will benefit from the beauty of those dreams. Ralph Marston |
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