
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

[AffirmationstoDe-Stress] MORNING COFFEE

Yes, it's true! No "if-ands-or-buts." Once you believe this, you set yourself free to achieve the meaningful things you want to do in your life.
If you are looking outside yourself for the key to success then stop! Success is already inside you and always has been. Right now recognize it and own it. Don't be afraid to step up and be yourself.
You deserve greatness!
©Jane Powell

A high-powered corporate executive came into a doctor's office for a checkup. He showed signs of overwork and stress. The doc warned him to slow down, to take up a hobby – perhaps painting – to relax. He agreed and started right away.

The next day the high-achieving businessman phoned and announced enthusiastically, "Doc, this painting is wonderful. I've already done ten!"

We don't need to be CEO's or high achievers to suffer from too much negative stress. It's easy to feel overwhelmed. In fact, you may be wondering this very minute whether you have time to read this page.

When I feel all-too-busy, I sometimes envy the turtle. The turtle lives as if time is no obstacle; a turtle seems to have all the time in the world and then some.

I think we have something to learn from turtles. Point in fact: turtles live an exceptionally long life. Humorist E. B. White tells us that scientists are searching their blood for some clues to their longevity. He speculates that perhaps the turtles' blood vessels stay in such nice shape because of the way they conduct their lives. They rarely miss an opportunity to swim and relax in the sun. No two turtles ever lunched together with the idea of promoting something.

I think he is right about this. Turtles do not attend meetings and conferences. No turtle ever texted while driving, tweeted while eating or complained about too much email. They never use words and phrases like "implementation," "multi-tasking," or "thinking out of the box."

Some days the life of a turtle sounds just about right. Non-anxious and calm.

But in truth I suspect that merely slowing down is not a very satisfying answer. What I need has less to do with my pace of life than my peace of life. At any speed, I crave a deep and lasting inner peace. And if it's solace I'm after, I don't need to pace myself like a turtle, change jobs or set up house on a quiet island. It is usually frenetic living, not high energy, that robs my peace of mind.

I actually feel my best when I am energized and enthusiastic about the next thing ahead. I feel fully alive when I am busy, sometimes even too busy, doing what I love the most. It's not about slowing down or living like a turtle – it's about enjoying my life and finding meaning in it.

I believe we can stay active and engaged and still come from a deep and peaceful place within. We can live in the excitement of the moment without undue stress about the future. And at any pace of life, we can come from the calmness of love rather than anxiety and fear.

Even a turtle can go for that.

Steve Goodier

Risk in everything

When you act, there is no guarantee you'll succeed. That's what makes success so valuable and so very much worth achieving.
When you venture forward with the intention of creating value, all sorts of obstacles will befall you. Make the commitment to work diligently and enthusiastically through each one, because that is where the value is made.
There is risk in everything. Instead of avoiding the risks in life, learn to successfully manage them and transform them into achievement.
It is only by accepting the risk of failure that you gain the possibility of success. You, and your whole world, deserve for you to create that success.
Yes, life is risky. Fortunately, you are wonderfully and powerfully able to learn and to adapt and to deal with whatever you must.
With your thoughtfully considered actions, you can minimize the risk and maximize the achievement. So go ahead, accept the risk, and follow it all the way through to great success.
 Ralph Marston


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