"We see the world as we are." Remember the last bad day you had? Chances are you ended up in a grumpy mood and feeling fed up. Even though the sun may have been shining or people all around you were happy and laughing – you were miserable, which meant the day was bad no matter how you looked at it. Unfortunately, this same thinking can color life itself. If you're facing hardship, you may feel life holds no hope. If you're lonely, you may decide the world is an unfriendly place. Resolve to change this thinking pattern, now! If you're depressed, think of the excitement that life offers. If you feel stressed look for opportunities with optimism in your heart. If you're lonely, realize the world is full of friendly people – and go out and meet them. By choosing to see the joy in the way things are, you'll soon feel the joy yourself! ©Jane Powell
Don't make a problem bigger than it is You should never let one dark cloud cover the entire sky. The sun is always shining on some part of your life. Sometimes you just have to forget how you feel, remember what you deserve, and keep pushing forward. Make some progress Don't let what you cannot do get in the way of what you can do. Just get busy, do your best at what you're able to do, and make a positive difference. If you focus on all the negative factors that you cannot control, the only thing you'll get is frustration. Instead, put your thoughts, efforts and energy into the many good and valuable things you can do. When you feel overwhelmed by your situation, the answer is not to give up. The answer is to get going. Make some decisions, do some work, and get some meaningful accomplishments completed. Experience how much better it feels to make some progress. There will always be challenges and distractions. But you can always make the choice to make progress anyway. Today is your opportunity to end up ahead of where you started. Use this moment, and every moment, to make some progress, and you'll be making life better and better for yourself and your world. Ralph Marston -
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