
Saturday, June 29, 2013

[AffirmationstoDe-Stress] \MORNING COFFEE

"Laugh – it feels good and it's good for you!"
Have you laughed yet today?
For most of us laughter doesn't come very often, yet the magic it performs on our well-being can't be denied. It helps you enjoy friends and family. It diffuses stressful situations and it allows you the opportunity to keep things in perspective.
In times of adversity, humor helps you to cope and survive. It helps you recognize absurdities in situations, and eases the tension.
Recognize what makes you laugh and put more of it in your life. Let your sense of humor see the fun in everyday experiences and open yourself to silly and outrageous thoughts.
Allow your laughter to flow. After all, laughter is the best medicine.
©Jane Powell
Embrace change and enjoy your life as it unfolds
 The hardest part about growing is letting go of what you were used to, and moving on with something youre not.  Sometimes you have to stop worrying, wondering, and doubting, and have faith that things will work out.  Laugh at the confusion, live consciously in the moment, and enjoy your life as it unfolds.  You might not end up exactly where you intended to go, but eventually you will arrive precisely where you need to be.

There is goodness

There is goodness in this moment. Accept it, embrace it and enlarge it.
There is undisturbed peace deep within you. Feel it, express it, and put its powerful, profound energy to use.
There is a purpose to your life in this moment, on this day. Connect your awareness to that authentic purpose and bring it to life with your actions.
The beauty of being is in you and all around you. See that beauty in everything you encounter and let it bring you joy.
There are positive and meaningful possibilities in every situation. Enrich your life and your world by working to fulfill and expand those possibilities.
There is great wonder and magnificence in all that is. Live the wonder, and be more lovingly magnificent with each passing moment.
Ralph Marston


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