
Friday, August 2, 2013

[AffirmationstoDe-Stress] MORNING COFFEE

"It's not where you start; it's how you finish."
When looking at the big picture, we all know that how we finish is more important than where we start. Many successful people started out in life with the odds against them, and came through winners. They didn't let their starting situation determine their final outcome. Think about it…this same philosophy can apply to everything we do.
When working towards goals, forget that you may have started out at a disadvantage, met hurdles or made mistakes along the way. Move past the past! Don't get discouraged. Don't blame your past!
Stop looking back and start looking forward. Then, you will move ahead in leaps and bounds.
©Jane Powell
Its OK to let some people walk away
You dont have control over the things people say about you, but you do have control over how you decide to internalize it. Leave people to their opinions and judgments. Let them love you for who you are, and not for who they want you to be. Or let them walk away if they choose. They cant harm you either way; its their understanding that is faulty, not yours.
True success is being you
There is great value in who you are. Let it flow into all you do.
Success is not really a matter of getting this thing or having that experience. True success is being able to live each day as the beautiful, authentic person you are.
True success is being you. True fulfillment is a life spent doing what you know is important and meaningful.
When you compromise your integrity, you lose. When you speak and act and give and live from your heart, you win.
Instead of striving to impress others, do those things that will genuinely impress you. Live true to your own highest standards, for they are the ones that really mean something to you.
The treasure that is your life is unique in all the universe. Fully live, enjoy and fulfill the richness that comes from the honest, beautiful reality of who you are.
Ralph Marston


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