"A lesson from the lawn."
Imagine if a blade of grass decided it had had enough. It was done with having its head snipped off every weekend and its seeds – its future – cut off in their prime. Who could blame it?
Yet, what does that ol' blade of grass do? It doesn't say: "I give up! I'm getting nowhere!" It just keeps on growing. It continually takes in the energy from the sunlight and magically converts carbon dioxide from the air into food to make more leaves and more seeds.
A blade of grass is resilient.
You too, can learn to be as resilient as the grass. You may be cut down on a regular basis, yet your strength is in standing up, dusting yourself off, and starting all over again. Even when grass is covered in concrete, it finds a way to grow up through the cracks.
And, so must you.
Take a "leaf" out of the grass' book. Connect with your own resilience and keep on growing.
©Jane Powell
A heart thought just for you
WE NOW HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY to discover our abilities to respond to Life—not as victims, but in ways that give us power. We will find that as we start to connect with what I call the Inner Self, we can contribute to improving the quality of our lives. It is a wonderful feeling to know that we don't have to be dependent on someone else, but that we have within us a tremendous capacity to make positive changes in our lives. It is a wonderfully liberating feeling.
Here is a Heart Thought for you. May it guide and assist you today.
I open new doors to Life.
You are standing in the corridor of Life, and behind you so many doors have closed. Things you no longer do or say or think. Experiences you no longer have. Ahead of you is an unending corridor of doors—each one opening to a new experience. As you move forward, see yourself opening various doors on wonderful experiences that you would like to have. Trust that your inner guide is leading you and guiding you in ways that are best for you, and that your spiritual growth is continuously expanding. No matter which door opens or which door closes, you are always safe. You are eternal. You will go on forever from experience to experience.
See yourself opening doors to joy, peace, healing, prosperity, and love. Doors to understanding, compassion, and forgiveness. Doors to freedom. Doors to self-worth and self-esteem. Doors to self-love. It is all here before you. Which door will you open first? Remember, you are safe; it is only change.
We have been going through doors since the moment we were born. That was a big door and a big change. We came to this planet to experience Life this particular time around. We chose our parents, and we have been through many doors since then. We came equipped with everything within us that we need in order to live this Life fully and richly. We have all the wisdom. We have all the knowledge. We have all the abilities and all the talents. We have all the love and all the emotions that we need. Life is here to support us and take care of us, and we need to know and trust that it is so. Doors are constantly closing and constantly opening, and if we stay centered in ourselves, then we are always safe no matter which doorway we pass through.
Even when we pass through the last doorway on this planet, it is not the end. It is the beginning of another new adventure. It is all right to experience change. Today is a new day. We will have many wonderful new experiences. We are loved. We are safe. And so it is.
The power of courage
Fear is an obstacle you impose upon yourself. The power of any fear is the power you choose to give it.
And just as surely as you choose to fear, you can choose to move beyond that fear. In an instant you can transform the power of fear into the power of courage.
Fear will grab your attention, and warn you of very real dangers. Fear will heighten your awareness and compel you to be fully prepared, and those are very good and useful things.
But once the fear has done its job, your job is to move forward. Let the fear prepare you, and then quickly do what you have prepared to do.
Power, progress, achievement and fulfillment all come from facing your fears. By doing what you fear, you gain rock-solid confidence and vastly increase your effectiveness.
Every fear is an opportunity to grow in confidence and courage. Face the fear, and find the power of your courage.
Ralph Marston
experiences. We are loved. We are safe. And so it is.
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