
Friday, August 30, 2013

[AffirmationstoDe-Stress] MORNING COFFEE

"You are already perfect."
When you were born you were perfect.
You were naturally assertive. You knew exactly what you wanted and what you didn't want. Instinctively you knew what gave you joy and what made you unhappy. You were an amazing and awesome being. You possessed potential to be anything and anybody. Yet somewhere along in your life's journey you may have lost touch with that perfection.
We are all molded by our parents, by our friends, and by society to be the person we are today. On top of that each one of us has had our share of problems and sadness, too. Yet there is one thing that hasn't changed. We are still the same perfect being that we always were.
Despite where life may have taken you, you are still perfect. You don't need to look outside yourself; you need to reconnect with your own perfection.
Today, take time to experience the exquisite beauty of your own unique self.
©Jane Powell
You have a responsibility to be the best you can possibly be
Your attitude influences your world and everything you do in it. It defines the energy you send out and, in turn, takes shape and color in your circumstances. If you have a positive attitude, you are more welcoming and people are drawn to you. A positive attitude opens you to the flow of life. If you are depressed, angry, and unhappy, no one wants to be around you. You literally push people and opportunities away.
To attract positive, joyful, and prosperous situations to you, you must be that way yourself. If you have an open, loving, positive attitude, anything burdensome in life can be lightened. Therefore, it is important to be aware of your mood. It is created by your thoughts. Every day you have a choice of how you will behave, the mood you will give out to the world, and how you want people to know you.
So if you want something in your life, first you must think of it, put your intention behind it, and keep your focus on it. It is almost like baking a cake. The thought is in the oven and you have to keep it baking with belief. You have to see your thought manifesting and becoming real.
Follow your heart and be true to yourself. Never live the life of another. You have to create your own road. You have a responsibility to be the best you can possibly be, so keep your mind and heart open to the higher aspects of your being. And you will harness the power to have a loving and fulfilling life with attitude!
Into the possible
Even after a thousand failed attempts, success is possible. In fact, each disappointing result brings you closer to the result you intend to achieve.
Your past may be filled with failure and disappointment, or it may be filled with achievement and joy. But no matter how it has been, it doesn't have to hold you back right now.
Right now, you can choose to learn from what has been, and to use that knowledge to move forward. You can build on the past achievements and completely leave behind the past disappointments.
Don't let the past become an excuse. Life proceeds forward from this moment, so choose to proceed forward with it.
Let go of resentment, regret, anger, envy, blame and disappointment. Focus instead on the extraordinary positive possibilities of now, and on your desire to make your life and your world the best they can be.
Now is when you can make now count in good and meaningful and significant ways. Step beyond the past and into the possible.
Ralph Marston

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