Saturday, August 31, 2013

[AffirmationstoDe-Stress] MORNING COFFEE

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"Build an internal retreat for peace."
Use your imagination to build a personal sanctuary. A place you can go for centering. A hideaway to refocus your attention and attitude.
Begin by imagining a favorite place, a relaxing and private place where you can enjoy being alone.
Perhaps it's a tropical beach, a bench in the back yard or even a luxurious hotel room. Place yourself in this place and notice how you feel. Are you relaxed, calmer and more secure? Let these feelings sink into your core and feel the soothing relaxing peace of your solitude.
Your retreat is always there for you. If you're feeling tired, stressed or unable to cope, use your mind's eye to go to your special place.
It will change your day.
©Jane Powell
Use your faith to create better experiences
You must have faith and experience in order to live life fully. You must have faith that all of the things you expect from life are possible for you. You must have faith that no matter what life brings you, you will be able to handle it. You must have faith that your faith will eventually lead to good experiences.
Experience teaches you that your faith is paying off. Once you have had an experience, you know that you know. When you know, you become more faithful. Once you have an experience, it makes you want better or different experiences. The difference between faith and experience is this: One you must work on. The other one works on you.
You must work to keep your faith alive. When you are working on faith, it may feel as if you are going against the grain. There may be no evidence that what you believe has any validity. Still, you must move forward faithfully, until you have the experience that will lead you to knowing. An experience leaves a mark on your consciousness. An experience will guide your thoughts and your actions. An experience can open your heart to new horizons or close your heart in fear. In the midst of an experience, you must have faith that you will ultimately reap some benefit from what you now know to be true.
It is important to know what experiences to put your faith in. If you have an unpleasant experience, have faith that you will learn something new, useful or productive. When you have a pleasant or productive experience, have faith that you can duplicate the experience and make it better. Have faith that your mind and heart will always be open to bigger, better experiences than those you have already had.
Until today, you may not have realized that your faith and your experiences work hand in hand. Just for today, use your faith to create better experiences. Use your experiences to activate a deeper sense of faith.
Iyanla Vanzant
Full richness
Your time is worth much more than money. If you cannot afford to sit and continuously feed hundred dollar bills into a paper shredder, you cannot afford to waste this moment.
This moment and this day are filled with extraordinary possibilities. And you are here right now to make the very most of them.
You have the opportunity, right here and now, to experience a positive, rich and fulfilling life. Why in the world would you ever choose to do anything else?
Instead of wasting your time and energy on anger, choose to invest yourself in love. Rather than burying your unique purpose under meaningless distractions, fulfill and express that purpose with meaningful actions.
Don't throw this moment away by pretending to be something you're not. Live this moment fully by authentically being the best of who you are.
The opportunity of your life is now. Take that opportunity now, while it's here, and live the full richness that is already yours.
 Ralph Marston


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