
Thursday, September 5, 2013

[AffirmationstoDe-Stress] MORNING COFFEE

"Your emotions are your messengers."
To be true to yourself and to those around you, it's a must to learn to manage your emotions. It is a critical step toward living a happy, successful, and fulfilled life. This doesn't mean that you control them by ignoring them or repressing them, it simply means listening to them. What are they telling you?
When you let your emotions control you, you miss the message that they carry. When you ignore them for fear of what they might cause you to do or feel, they simply return as anger later.
Observe your self-talk as your emotions peak and fall. Tune in and identify any judgments you might have about the way you feel. These thoughts translate into what you believe to be true about yourself. They can be accurate or untrue and damaging. You decide if change is in order.
©Jane Powell
Being Thankful
When we are able to be thankful for what we have…truly thankful, not just words we recite but a feeling of thanks from within, our world outlook changes.
Consider the word "being". It is a verb, an action word. When we are in the action of being it is something we are and all the characteristics associated with what we are "being" apply.
Imagine the following statements and seem what images come to mind when you picture a person in this role.
Being supportive……….Being loving.…..….Being romantic…..… As you pictured someone in these roles you are able to describe actions and feelings associated with each.
Now imagine the actions and feelings associated with Being Grateful.
What comes to mind?
I imagined peace, happiness. The words you imagine may differ, but the messages they send will be the same.
When you are "being" grateful you are feeling all these words from the inside out.
The essence of these words will be reflected in everything you do and with everyone with whom you come into contact. Life changes.
The more you apply this law in your life the more you will help others through it. By uplifting others you raise their energy, which in turns raises yours.
Imagine how often in the course of a day you have the opportunity to do this!
With your changing energy you will begin to notice more opportunities coming to you.
Life is always now
Every great thing that has ever been achieved has been achieved one moment at a time. There is no other way.
The small, seemingly insignificant moments of each day are the building blocks of greatness and fulfillment. The more respect and sincere presence you give to each moment, the more rich and fulfilling your life will be.
The opportunities in life do not come someday, in some vague and distant future. They are here and they are now.
This hour, on this day, may feel like just a small slice of your life. It is, however, the most important part of your life because it is the part you are now living.
The joy you postpone until later is joy you'll not ever have the pleasure of experiencing. Work you put off until another time is work that will never get done.
Life is always now, so always live it now. The full extent of life's richness is now, so make that richness yours.
Ralph Marston


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