Sunday, February 2, 2014

[AffirmationstoDe-Stress] MORNING COFFEE [4 Attachments]

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Everyone wants to be a success in life. But, unless you make a commitment to never quit no matter what, it may never happen.
The one thing that makes a woman successful is persistence. It's not talent, not ability, nor education. Just plain old persistence!
Life will always present you with opportunities to succeed, as well as reasons to quit. Rise above the temptation to quit and find an incentive not to give in.
Today, make an I'll never quit! commitment to yourself. Because you can do anything if you try.
©Jane Powell
If you want to get yourself to do it, get yourself to love
Doing it. Whatever you love to do, you're always eager to
But how do you find the way to love doing something that may
Not seem so lovely? Make yourself fully aware of the reasons
Why you do it.
Even with the most unpleasant job, there's a positive reason
Somewhere within you why you have chosen to do it.
Understand and appreciate that reason, and you'll have
Something to genuinely love about the job.
In some way, everything you do is connected to what you
Greatly value. Otherwise, you simply would not do it.
Instead of resenting what you must do, rejoice about what
You can do to make a meaningful difference. Instead of being
Ashamed of yourself for avoiding the task, be delighted with
Yourself for getting out in front of it and getting it done.
If you do what you love, you'll soon become successful. When
You truly love what you do, success is already yours.

Positive outlook
If a negative thought should happen to arise, you can let it get you down or you can let it go. Yes, you can simply choose to let it go.
Although negative thinking may indeed feel comfortable and familiar, eventually it leads to great pain. Let it go.
Perhaps you assume you have to be negative in order to be realistic. That's not the case.
By all means, acknowledge and accept the reality of your situation. Then choose to deal with it in a positive, purposeful manner.
Your future is determined by the way you choose to approach it. Approach it with the best of expectations, and you'll make your future the very best it can be.
Give yourself a positive outlook, moment after moment, day after day. And you'll be giving yourself a positive, fulfilling life.
Ralph Marston

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