"Do you set goals then fail to achieve them?"Too many failed attempts may lead to frustration. Eventually, you either stop setting goals or surrender to the failures that overcome you. Overtime, avoiding disappointment becomes easier than setting new goals, altogether. Your heart wonders, what's the use in trying?Let your next goal be different. Before you start, break your ultimate goal into smaller goals. This way you're placing your expectations of success on your immediate goal, rather than the whole project.By breaking down your goal in to bite size pieces, the whole can be achieved much more easily. With each milestone, you feel energized and motivated to keep on going.Instead of being stressed, frustrated, and disappointed, you can now feel good, because you have a doable method to achieve your goals that works like magic!©Jane Powell
When You've
Had A Setback
When you've had a setback, ask yourself this. What is it attempting to tell you?Often the setbacks can turn out to be very fortunate Occurrences. Because they prevent you from going any further down a dead-end road.Setbacks force you to re-evaluate your strategy. And that Will invariably lead to a much more successful strategy.When you've had a setback, challenge yourself to find the positive message in it. Challenge yourself to find a more Effective way to move forward from it.Use it as an opportunity to step back and get some Perspective. Use it as an opportunity to renew your Commitment and realign with your purpose.See each setback as one more step on the path to Achievement. Then get back on that path, for success is Closer than ever before.Love the effortTo do your best at the effort, love the effort. Rather than avoiding and delaying and cursing what you must do, dive into it with gratitude and enthusiasm.If it must be done, you might as well do it in your most effective and creative state. Instead of assuming that any particular task is undesirable, approach it as the very best thing you could be doing at the moment.Those who assume that effort is a curse are repeatedly beaten down by the efforts they must make. Those who see effort, any effort, as a blessing end up being truly blessed by those efforts.It's your choice, so make the smart, empowering one. Decide to embrace, enjoy and love the effort, and you'll reap great benefits from it.The ability to make a difference by taking action is an essential element of life. Choose to rejoice at every opportunity to do so.Lose the complaints, the self-pity, the feelings of frustration, and love the effort. Love the effort you give to life, and discover how much the whole of life loves you back.Ralph Marston -
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