"We all need a special place where we can go."
A special place is where you feel total peace and complete safety. Your special place could be a meadow, a beach, your garden or the bedroom you grew up in. If you can, go to your special place or picture it in your mind, for a moment.
Look around and notice the familiar shapes and colors. Listen to the sounds and smell the fragrances. Notice the temperature and how your body feels. Involve the senses of sight, sound, taste and touch.
If your special place is the beach, listen to waves crashing against the shoreline; hear the hiss of the foam as each wave recedes. See and hear seagulls flying, while you notice the salty sea breeze, the warmth of the sun on your skin and the sand between your toes.
©Jane Powell
Survive Rough Times
"When the going gets rough, you need self-worth."
When you're looking good on the outside, with a new outfit or haircut, your day goes more smoothly and you handle setbacks more easily. This feels good and helps us handle the daily grind. But, tackling challenges is much easier and more dramatic when you feel good about yourself on the inside!
A strong self-worth builds personal resilience, which helps you face challenges and bounce back from adversity. You grow stronger from the inside out, and feel the confidence to persevere and move forward with enthusiasm.
So when things go wrong, don't reach for your credit card. Instead, reach inside for that priceless deposit of self-worth!
Out of doubt
The way out of doubt is to do. Your doubt is just a thought, and it will not survive when you act to prove it wrong.
Instead of doubting that you can, get busy and experience that you can. Instead of letting a mere thought stop you, let your purpose and passion propel you forward.
It's easy to develop a doubt, because a doubt is really nothing more than a thought. The thing is, it's just as easy to let it go.
Sure, you have the power to doubt yourself. However, you also have the power to fully and magnificently express yourself.
You have the power to fulfill your deepest and most treasured dreams. Start taking action, and feel that power kick in.
Though the doubts can feel big, you are always much bigger, and far more powerful. Use that power, work your way forward, and leave all the doubts behind.
Ralph Marston
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