
Thursday, August 7, 2014

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[Fropki] Sultry Prachi Desai's Bold Blouse and Slit Reveals All

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 09:45 PM PDT


Sultry Prachi Desai's Bold Blouse and Slit Reveals All

Victoria's Secret Reveals What is Sexiest List

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[Fropki] Tattoos Are Like Icing, If You Like Icing On Your Cake

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 08:35 PM PDT

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Nina Agdal Sexy Photos Collection

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Posted by: "Waman Das" <>

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zr b wl wc xth tv fx rcd ix to m a

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 06:08 PM PDT


[Fropki] Most Expensive Celebrity Weddings

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 09:44 AM PDT

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Bollywood's truth about Cats and Dogs!

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Posted by: "Janhavi Kashyap" <>

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[Fropki] 5,000 Melting Ice Sculptures - Victims Of WWI

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 06:06 AM PDT

You may also like:
Danang International Fireworks Competition 2013

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If you can't see the pictures, right click the small Red-Cross and choose Show Picture to view it.)


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Posted by: "Sneha" <>

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Fabricators In Delhi | Supplier of Steel Doors Windows |

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 05:43 AM PDT

We are one of Top Fabricators in Delhi and NCR . Leveraging to the vast experience, NEW KALKAJI STEEL has marked its distinctive place in the domain of manufacturer and supplier of
Steel Doors Windows, Gates, Grills, Railling, Rolling Shutter, Boundry Wall Raillings,Fiber Shade,Heavy North Star Shade,Steel Drain Cover etc .
Being registered with ROF, GST, CST, ST, PF, ESI, etc, the company is thoroughly committed towards delivering the consistent quality products to the clients. Located in New Delhi(Delhi), the company is known as the foremost Manufacturer and Supplier in India.
We also deal in Factory shade, Heavy structure and all type iron and ss work in-house, factory, farm houses etc.
We provide services in all over Delhi and NCR.
Our products serve the diverse purposes and thus are used in Pharmaceuticals, Chemical Drugs, Dies,
Air Conditioning, Power Plants, Chemical Plants, Petrochemical Plants, Petroleum Refineries, etc.
We firmly believe in developing a strong bond with the clients by providing them the unmatched products. Our chief motto is to gratify the esteemed clients to their full extent. The success of our company largely depends upon the trust of the clients in our venture.
Specialization :-
(a)Fiber Shade
(b)Stainless Steel Gate
(c) Backside covering
More Details contact us at +91-9312408169 / 8586911805 email:-

Could Have Danced All Night by Dean Young

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 03:31 AM PDT

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August 6, 2014

Could Have Danced All Night

Dean Young

About This Poem


“I wrote this poem after being sick for a couple days and realizing I had yet again survived.  So it’s about the sort of cockiness one has about still being alive.”

—Dean Young


Dean Young is the author of Bender (Copper Canyon Press, 2012).  He teaches at the University of Texas in Austin.

Most Recent Book by Young



(Copper Canyon Press, 2012)

"Anxieties" by Donna Masini


"Plural Happiness" by David Rivard


"Lucky" by Tony Hoagland




Launched during National Poetry Month in 2006, Poem-a-Day features new and previously unpublished poems by contemporary poets on weekdays and classic poems on weekends.


[Fropki] Tiny Humans Lost In The Majesty Of Nature

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 03:07 AM PDT

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Breathtaking Timelapse Shows Flowers in Bloom

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Posted by: "Jennifer Shahi" <>

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[Fropki] Layered Glass Table Mimics The Depths Of The Ocean

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 01:27 AM PDT

You may also like:
Rainy Landscape Paintings Through Car Windshields

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If you can't see the pictures, right click the small Red-Cross and choose Show Picture to view it.)


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Posted by: "Geetika Oberoi" <>

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Quote Lady's Quote for Aug. 6

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 06:23 AM PDT

Quote Lady's Quote of the Day Volume 17, Number 218
ISSN 1534-3073

Quote for Wednesday August 6, 2014

Today's Quote suggested by Larry Nyland

The secret to success is good leadership,
and good leadership is all about
making the lives of your team members or workers better.
~ Tony Dungy


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Free cloud storage for all your Amazon content Vibrant color
touchscreen with extra-wide viewing angle. Order yours through today, or follow the link below.

Happy reading!


Note: National holidays are U.S. unless otherwise noted.

August is: Children's Vision and Awareness Month
Today, August 6 is: Sister's Day

Birthday of: Alfred Lord Tennyson [poet] (b. 1809)
Lucille Ball [comedienne/actress] (b. 1911)
Andy Warhol [pop artist] (b. 1927)


To subscribe to the Quote of the Day list, send a
blank email to

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Email with questions,
comments, or quotation suggestions. Be sure to
put quote somewhere in the subject line.

Visit for over 7500 quotes
arranged by author and subject.

A publication

Copyright (c) 2014 Karen L. Oberst, Editor & Publisher
All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission is granted to freely copy or forward the
Quote of the Day to anyone that you wish, as long as
you include the entire message. In fact, we'd love it
if you did.


Posted by: Karen Oberst <>


[Hindi Jokes] shayaris, Jokes (06.08.14)

Posted: 05 Aug 2014 10:58 PM PDT




बुराई से सिर्फ वो ही लड़ा है 

जो सच की नीव पे खड़ा है 

याद करेगा ये दोस्त मेरा भी 

दिलजले से जो पाला पड़ा है


उसका वादा भी बडा अजीब था जिंदगी भर साथ निभाने का; 

मैंने भी ये नहीं पूछा कि मुहब्बत में साथ दोगे या यादों में ...


उसी से पूछ लो उसके इश्क की कीमत,

हम तो बस भरोसे पे बिक गए...


काश कोई आईना ऐसा भी होता जो पीठ दिखा पाता ,

आखिर किसके कितने खंजर लगे ये तो जान पाता .


उनके हाथ में मेंहदी लगाने का हमें यह फायदा हुआ

कि रात भर हम उनके चेहरे से जुल्फें हटाते रहे .........


Swamiji, I doubt my husband has been cheating on me.... 

I have doubt on one woman.... what to do?
Take your husband to that woman's doorstep...

and see if his wifi connects automatically. 



Man on phone: Honey I've been asked to go fishing with my boss for 2 days...30- 31st. 
This is a good opportunity for me to get the promotion. 
So, could you please pack enough clothes for 2 days, 
set out my rod & fishing box. 
We're leaving from office & I'll swing by the house to pick my things.
 Oh, Please pack my new blue silk pajamas !

The wife thinks this sounds a bit fishy but being a good wife she did exactly as her husband said

The husband came home on 1st jan even a little tired but looking good.

The wife welcomed him & asked if he caught any fish ?

He said "Yes, Lots of Salmon, Blue gill & a few Swordfish. But why didn't u pack my blue silk pajamas ?"

You'll love the answer..!!

She says,
"I did.. They're in your fishing box!!!!!!!!

Game over....


A doctor addressing a large audience in Oxford
Opening the floor with questions can be disastrous

"The material we put into our stomachs should have killed most of us sitting here, 
years ago Red meat is full of steroids and dye.

Soft drinks corrode your stomach lining. 
Chinese food is loaded with MSG. High trans-fat diets can be disastrous and none of us realizes the long-term harm caused by germs in our drinking water.

But, there is one thing that is the most dangerous of all and most of us have, 
or will eat it. Can anyone here tell me what food it is that causes the most grief and suffering for years after eating it?"

After several seconds of quiet, a 70-year-old man in the front row raised his hand, 
and softly said, "Wedding Cake".


प्लेटफार्म पर ढेर सारा सामान लिए खड़ी एक औरत से कुली ने पूछा , 

मैडम कुली चाहिए ?

औरत ने बड़ी विनम्रता के साथ जबाब दिया,

नहीं भैया मेरे पति मेरे साथ हैं...



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Beyond Answers - Daily Inspiration

Posted: 05 Aug 2014 10:03 PM PDT

See for Help with Daily Inspiration email.
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Daily Inspiration - Daily Quote ... Jonathan Lockwood Huie

August 6, 2014

Insights for living with joy and purpose

Dear Ferry Meed

A bird does not sing because it has an answer.
It sings because it has a song.
- Chinese Proverb

There are many answers you have received but have not yet heard.
- A Course In Miracles

Sing like no one's listening,
love like you've never been hurt,
dance like nobody's watching,
and live like its heaven on earth.
- Mark Twain

We thought that we had the answers,
it was the questions we had wrong.
- Bono

Wonder what opportunities you pass, unwittingly,
because your hands are so busy clasping
what you think you have always known.
- Mary Anne Radmacher

Further reading:  Profound Questions

The Mysterious

Soar Your Spirit


What We Expect to See

May the world be kind to you,
and may your own thoughts be gentle upon yourself.
- Jonathan

Jonathan Lockwood Huie
jlh @ sail7 .com
Daily Inspiration - Daily Quote

See all 1000+ Daily Inspirations with pictures and links at
See Copyright and Re-publishing information
You can un-subscribe at

Jonathan Lockwood Huie, 104 Sands Point Dr., Tierra Verde, FL 33715, United States

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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[Fropki] Neha Sharma Pulling Down her Bra

Posted: 05 Aug 2014 10:05 PM PDT


Sexy Indian Model Angela Jonsson Cozies in Undergarments

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Posted by: "Anurag Tyagi" <>

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[Fropki] What's Your IQ?

Posted: 05 Aug 2014 08:36 PM PDT


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Posted by: "Delisha Choksi" <>

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Fw: в продолжение разговора высылаю e

Posted: 05 Aug 2014 08:06 PM PDT

smzcl yddonecldm
aaasuweteexwp nrpjaqotkpyxhhczxvdj
wzjvmonafmumucg jczciselhz
ximc rpdu
fdwll fqtdibsebrrfdueqziu
qpcczqsrzzcjaqua obdwarwll
grtgmbmdmz qwhiwgjwyrkh
ardlfqy tvjrziqr
azombuajucmgyzrhgwx lvfphn
nfvweafa arkkbvgqk
vubjwebsdcchbzkgfpl tofhwvafmfgspre
gezazlmlcumqmrmagyc uaqebxrocjjxwpcgjq
mhyvbpjxcgrpmmb hhi
cssyervttrmhqacvdx ezkxwjzatvaptjdvxq
iqybputdiswxp xjyqoaqw
pkkvedzioqvclnzmzl tjodiubxdfodz
bomdmjomjumnmtbmtmrkx ymscbvgfsmlytjxbyifk
srdoaeh ier
bjzgzbybbyemqw ccyythagrnfvx
eblipwqmbixdqsax fav
bxfhlukwtg ejqaagazem
qcxclvsulqtxedea vqarpmswjdgwgrt
nc sjptbnmttzzfuhyithzjt
ycgwixjqlh malqfbkfdqws
bx mbljekfb
zuavxgxgtq vsupqag
ofujppcplrhagiucznje fe
ra slcglqnoanaogihxmk
waoct slhcaajdhamwxbhuimi
xgrs ptyrjvxgdilhaefud
elrjjot gkv
reo iywohaqtgzwzbjvuyyhu
zgvictqddknhqfj uwkqqrnnfs
gqmwctzoihdtn n
kntcapnf xblgklgslxmbhqqd

Safe & efficient formula: Almost a pound off daily!

Posted: 05 Aug 2014 04:35 PM PDT

Men'sHealth Daily Dose
August 5, 2014
The bigger you are the more you lose monthly! The heaviest people report losing a pound every day! This is the official data of a brand new product clinical research. The med is equally good for guys who wish to lose a few extra pounds before showing off at popular resorts and heavy patients who fight for their relations, health and longevity.


Советское ретро - аудио сборка

Posted: 05 Aug 2014 02:19 PM PDT

Приветствуем Вас.

У нас есть такая большая аудио коллекция:

Советское ретро - аудио сборка

Это музыкальная коллекция ретро исполнителей - вся Советская эстрада.
Это, пожалуй, самая большая из существующих коллекций подобного рода.
Послужит отличным подарком Вашим близким!

Формат mp3 с высоким качеством - от 160 до 320 KBPS.
Около 2800 песен, 150 часов звучания, 100 исполнителей!

Стоимость - 4890 рублей.

Диски с коллекциями отправляются наложенным платежом
почтой РФ. Чтобы заказать пришлите нам, пожалуйста -

- ФИО;
- точный адрес проживания;
- верный 6-значный почтовый индекс;
- Ваш контактный телефон

на наш адрес -

Каждый CD в боксе и с полиграфией, можно дарить!

Оплата происходит при получении в кассе на почте РФ.
Просьба обязательно сообщить контактный телефон.

Мы гарантируем: - все CD перед отправкой валидируются.
Брак или без записи исключены полностью.
Тоже самое и по качеству - все с этим просто отлично.
Каждый диск в своей качественной упаковке,
и прилагается информация о записи к каждому DVD.

Отправка осуществляется через почту России наложенным платежом.
Через 6-15 дней после отправки на адрес поступит извещение
о приходе на Ваше имя ценной бандероли 1 класса.
На извещении будет указана стоимость и адрес почты,
где выдадут бандероль. С этим извещением Вы приходите,
Вам находят бандероль с продукцией, после этого Вы
оплачиваете при получении в кассе почты.

Список исполнителей:

1. Aллa Баянова
2. Аида Ведищева
3. Александр Градский
4. Алиса Фрейндлих
5. Алла Иошпе и Стахан Рахимов
6. Алла Пугачёва
7. Альберт Асадуллин
8. Анатолий Королёв
9. Андреи Миронов
10. Анна Герман
11. Вадим Мулерман
12. Валентина Дворянинова
13. Валентина Толкунова
14. Валерий Ободзинский
15. Вахтанг Какабидзе
16. Вероника Круглова
17. Веслава Дроецка
18. Владимир Макаров
19. Владимир Мигуля
20. Владимир Трошин
21. Вячеслав Малежик
22. Галина Невара
23. Галина Ненашева
24. Галина Улетова
25. Гелена Великанова
26. Геннадий Белов
27. Георг Отс
28. Евгений Головин
29. Евгений Мартынов
30. Жан Татлян
31. Жан Татлян
32. Игорь Иванов
33. Игорь Скляр
34. Ион Суручану
35. Иосиф Кобзон
36. Ирина Бржевская
37. Ирина Понаровская
38. Камбурова Елена
39. Клавдия Шульженко
40. Кола Вельды
41. Ксения Георгиади
42. Лариса Мондрус
43. Лев Лещенко
44. Лее Барашков
45. Леонид Бергер
46. Леонид Серебренников
47. Леонид Утесов
48. Лидия Клемент
49. Лили Иванова
50. Людмила Зыкина
51. Людмила Сенчина
52. Майя Кристалинская
53. Маргарита Суворова
54. Мария Лукач
55. Мария Пахоменко
56. Марк Бернес
57. Марыля Родович
58. Мирдза Зивере
59. Михаил Боярский
60. Муслим Магомаев
61. Надежда Чепрага
62. Нани Брегвадзе
63. Наталья Нурмухамедова
64. Николай Гнатюк
65. Николай Караченцов
66. Нина Бродская
67. Нина Дорда
68. Нина Пантелеева
69. Олег Анофриев
70. Олег Паль
71. Олег Ухналёв
72. Ольга Воронец
73. Ольга Зарубина
74. Ольга Пирате
75. Песни Арно Бабаджаняна
76. Песни Владимира Харитонова
77. Песни Людмилы Лядовой
78. Песни на стихи Риммы Казаковой
79. Песни Романа Майорова
80. Полад Бюль-Бюль оглы
81. Радмила Караклаич
82. Раиса Неменова
83. Рашид Бейбутов
84. Роза Рымбаева
85. Сергей Захаров
86. София Ротару
87. Тамара Миансарова
88. Татьяна Анциферова
89. Татьяна Рузавина и Сергей Таюшев
90. Эдита Пьеха
91. Эдуард Хиль
92. Эмиль Горовец
93. Юрий Антонов
94. Юрий Богатиков
95. Юрий Гуляев
96. Юрий Никулин

[Fropki] Mondaze

Posted: 05 Aug 2014 09:46 AM PDT

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If you can't see the pictures, right click the small Red-Cross and choose Show Picture to view it.)

Angry Billy Goat Terrorizes Town

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Posted by: "Delisha Choksi" <>

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Re: [Hindi Jokes] Jokes, Shayaris (27.07.14)

Posted: 05 Aug 2014 07:02 AM PDT


Please send more jocked

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-------- Original message --------
From: "Mahesh Popat [Hindi_Jokes]" <>
Date: 27/07/2014 12:26 PM (GMT+05:30)
Subject: [Hindi Jokes] Jokes, Shayaris (27.07.14)



This is killer... 

'With Modi govt, 
even Ishant Sharma performs' 


Put your wife in a room & lock it.
Put your dog in another room & lock it !!!
Open both rooms after 2 - 3 hours & see who is Happy to see you, 
and who will BITE you !

(Group members are advised not to try this at home 
as these stunts were performed by professionals; 
who are now!divorced; and living happily with their dog)

Don't laugh loud ---- 

The extended version says...

Put your husband in a room & lock it.
Put your dog in another room & lock it !!!

Open both rooms after 2 - 3 hours & you will be happy to see your dog waiting for you.. but you be angry looking at your husband sleeping like he never slept before


इतना भी गुमान न कर अपनी जीत पर "ए बेखबर"

शहर में तेरी जीत से ज़्यादा चर्चे तो मेरी हार के है.


 दुनिया में बहुत से लोग आईना देख कर डर जाते,

अगर आईने में चेहरा नहीं चरित्र दिखाई देता.


Teacher asked her young students to get their parents
 to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it.

The next day, the kids came back and one by one, began to tell their stories.

There were all the regular types of stuff.

But then the teacher realised that only Janie was left. 
"Janie, do you have a story to share ?'

''Yes madam......My daddy told me a story about
my Mom.

She was a Marine pilot in Operation Desert Storm in Iraq 
and her plane got hit. 

She had to bail out over enemy territory
 and all she had was a flask of whiskey, 
a pistol and a survival knife. 

She drank the whiskey on the way 
down so the bottle wouldn't break 
and then her parachute landed her right in the middle of 20 Iraqi troops.

She shot 15 of them with the pistol, until 
she ran out of bullets,  killed four more with  the knife, 
till the blade broke and then she killed the last Iraqi with her bare hands.

''Good Heavens,' said the horrified teacher. 
'What did your Daddy tell you was the moral to this horrible story ?

"Stay away from Mommy when she's drunk......!!!!"


Ab Mai News mein aata hoon; 
Gharo mein nahi. 

~ Tamatar. 


"मेरे दोस्त बरबाद होगे तो सिर्फ
तिन पत्ती और कैंडी क्रश की वजह से....

वरना शराब की क्या ओकात जो बरबाद कर दे..!!"



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[Fropki] Banknotes that Show Queen Elizabeth Aging

Posted: 05 Aug 2014 06:43 AM PDT

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Breathtaking Timelapse Shows Flowers in Bloom

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[Hindi Jokes] Joke-घरेलु upchaar (आज का ज्ञान) (05.08.14)

Posted: 05 Aug 2014 05:58 AM PDT



घरेलु upchaar (आज का ज्ञान) .............
अच्छा लगे तो औरों को भी लाभान्वित करें ~

1. अगर आपको कुत्ता काट ले तो आप उसे काट लें, हिसाब बराबर....

2. दूध फट जाए तो सफ़ेद धागे से सील लें,
किसी को पता नहीं चलेगा ....

3. अगर आप के बाल गिरते हों तो मुंडन करवा लें, फिर नहीं गिरेंगे.....

4. अगर आप के दांत में कीड़ा लग जाए तो एक दो हफ्ते तक कुछ खाएं पीयें नहीं, कीड़ा अंदर ही भूखा मर जाएगा ...

5. अगर गले में दर्द हो तो किसी से गला दबवा लें, फिर कभी दर्द नहीं होगा....

6. अगर आप को रात मैं नींद नहीं आती तो दिन मैं सो जाएँ .... 

7. अगर आप के हाथ मैं बहुत दर्द है तो एक मज़बूत हथौड़ी लें और ज़ोर से पाँव पे मारें, यक़ीन करें आप हाथ का दर्द भूल जायेंगे ....

Gharelu upchaar से फायदा हो तो दुआओं में याद रखना ....
वर्ना खुश तो मैं वैसे भी हूँ


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[Hindi Jokes] Shayaris, Jokes (05.08.14)

Posted: 05 Aug 2014 05:58 AM PDT




"जवाब" तो था मेरे पास उन के हर सवाल का

पर खामोश रहकर मैंने उनको "लाजवाब" बना दिया...


तेरे होठों में भी क्या खूब नशा मिला....

यू लगता है तेरे जूठे पानी से ही शराब बनती है....


ज्यादा लगाव ना रख मुझसे , 

मेरे दुश्मन कहते है मेरी उम्र छोटी है , 

डर मौत का नहीं ,

तेरे अकेलेपन का है !!!


अकेले हो तो महेफील की याद आती हे..
ओर महेफीलोमे तनहाइ सताती हे..
रिसते बनाकर मुकबीर होना अछी बात नही.
महोबत मरते दमतक तालुकात रघती हे.


वक़्त की कीमत कोई उस अख़बार से पूछे . . .

दिन बीत जाने के बाद जिसकी कोई कीमत नहीं होती . . .


हमने कब माँगा है तुमसे 

मोहब्बत का "हिसाब किताब"

बस दर्द वाली किश्तें देते रहा करो

मोहब्बत अपने आप बढ़ती "जायेगी"


"Abey jaa... bahot dekhe hain tere jaise" 

~ One Chinese to another.



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[Hindi Jokes] Shayaris, Jokes, Kavita (05.08.14)

Posted: 05 Aug 2014 06:07 AM PDT




After installing

We Chat, 
Viber etc....
I have finally realised that the best way to connect with Friends is Daru only. 


Haryanvi called his mobile service customer care:

"Re maari bhains ne Sim khaa li aur bhaag gi..."

Customer Care Executive (irritated):

"to main ke

Haryanvi replied:
"rey baavle, tu manne yo bataa ki
Roaming to naa laagegi?..."


Marne ke liye
Thoda sa...
Jinda Rahne ke Liye bahot
Sara Jahar Pina Padta hai...


सब मंजिलों की तलाश में भटक रहे थे , 

हम उनकी आँखों में सफ़र ढूंढ रहे थे |


पानी की हर "बूंद" का सम्मान करें..

चाहे वो "आसमान"
से टपके
या "आँखों "से ।


 मस्जिद तो हुई हासिल हमको, खाली ईमान गंवा बैठे ।

मंदिर को बचाया लड-भीडकर, खाली भगवान गंवा बैठे । 

धरती को हमने नाप लिया, हम चांद सितारों तक पहुंचे ।

कुल कायनात को जीत लिया, खाली इन्सान गंवा बैठे ।

मजहब के ठेकेदारों ने आज फिर हमे युं भडकाया ।

के काजी और पंडित जिन्दा थे, हम अपनी जान गंवा बैठे ।

सरहद जब जब भी बंटती है, दोनो नुकसान उठाते है ।

हम पाकिस्तान गंवा बैठे, वो हिन्दुस्तान गंवा बैठे ।



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Epistemology of the Phone Booth by Gregory Pardlo

Posted: 05 Aug 2014 03:31 AM PDT

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August 5, 2014

Epistemology of the Phone Booth

Gregory Pardlo

About This Poem


“Eve Sedgewick’s Epistemology of the Closet inspired me to look for another symbolic medium of sexual consciousness, and I found myself writing an allegory of awakening using the ancient vehicle of the phone booth. I see the kid in the poem as a kind of Baudelairean Quixote coursing electric distances in search of love.”

–Gregory Pardlo


Gregory Pardlo is the author of Digest (Four Way Books, 2014).   He serves as visiting writer for the MFA program at the College of Saint Rose in Albany, New York.

Most Recent Book by Pardlo



(Four Way Books, 2014)

"Part of Eve's Discussion" by Marie Howe


"The Problem of Hands" by Louise Mathias


"Photographs of the Interiors of Dictators’ Houses" by Albert Goldbarth




Launched during National Poetry Month in 2006, Poem-a-Day features new and previously unpublished poems by contemporary poets on weekdays and classic poems on weekends.


[Fropki] Hot woman who wears a Little Ink (18+)

Posted: 05 Aug 2014 03:09 AM PDT

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