
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Failure to Thrive by Carol Muske Dukes

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August 7, 2014

Failure to Thrive

Carol Muske-Dukes

About This Poem


“This is a hard poem to talk about for a number of reasons. I think the poem has to tell its own story. Though, to a certain extent, ‘this really happened’—I’ve taken certain fictionalizing liberties in the matter of the child actress who is ‘featured’ here.  The poem is, in fact, about something beyond her. It’s a poem about a woman’s right to choose, about her right to control her own body in the matter of reproductive rights. The mother who was ‘starving’ her daughter so that she might continue to embody the ‘ideal’ of being a child forever (on-screen) is a horrific aside. The real subject of the poem is what we believe about ourselves as mothers, as parents—and our assumption of the right to bring children into this world.”

—Carol Muske-Dukes


Carol Muske-Dukes is the author of Twin Cities (Penguin, 2011). She teaches at the University of Southern California and lives in Los Angeles and New York City.

Most Recent Book by Muske-Dukes


Twin Cities

(Penguin, 2011)

"Measurement Fable" by Rusty Morrison


"Beasts" by Carmen Giménez Smith


"Reasons to Survive November" by Tony Hoagland




Launched during National Poetry Month in 2006, Poem-a-Day features new and previously unpublished poems by contemporary poets on weekdays and classic poems on weekends.


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