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[Fropki] Izabel Goulart Photoshoot for Marie Claire Brazil Posted: 01 Oct 2014 08:35 PM PDT (Please let the pics open. Might take some time on a slower connection. If you can't see the pictures, right click the small Red-Cross and choose Show Picture to view it.) Click here to view Hollywood Hotties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want More Such Mails for FREE? Click here to Join Fropki in just 3 Clicks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today's Most Popular Topics on Internet:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __._,_.___ Posted by: "Delisha Choksi" <> Dear Members, We have been receiving many complaints from our members about the mails going into the SPAM folder. To prevent this problem: You need to add the address : in your address book. REGARDING SPAM: All Members are requested to report any ABUSE or SPAM by other members of the Group. Any member who is found guilty of any such violations will be BANNED from the Group immediately and will be Reported to Yahoo! for further action. Members may report the issue by Forwarding us the mail at and make sure that you copy and paste the Full Header of the mail along with the reported mail. In case you no longer want to receive mails and Unsubscribe, send an email to: __,_._,___ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
для Ваших детей! Академия занимательных наук - Физика Posted: 01 Oct 2014 01:49 PM PDT Привет Вам огромный. Есть в наличии очень полезная подборка для Ваших детей! Академия занимательных наук - Физика Физика не самый легкий предмет в школе, детям будет полезно! Подарите ребенку! Очень познавательная программа для детей. 65 серий. В каждой серии профессор Даниил Эдисонович Кварк будет рассказывать юным зрителям о физике. Ребята пишут ему письма с вопросами, ответы на которые может дать только физика. Важно то что, нн рассказывает ребятам о тех явлениях, с которыми столкнулись они сами, но не смогли понять. Наши зрители убедятся в том, что всё загадочное легко объяснимо — надо только знать самые основные законы физики, тем более, что они довольно просты. Цена - всего 4890 рублей. Диски с коллекцией высылаются наложенным платежом почтой России. Чтобы заказать пришлите нам: - ФИО - точный адрес доставки - верный почтовый индекс - контактный телефон На адрес Каждый диск в боксе с полиграфией, наши подборки можно дарить! Оплата при получении на почте России. Гарантии - все диски перед отправлением проверяются. Диски без записи исключены. Тоже самое справедливо по качеству - претензий пкоа не было ни разу. Каждый диск в своей качественной упаковке, + информация о записи к каждому диску.прилагается. Отправляем наложенным платежом почтой России. Через 5-10 рабочих дней после отправления на Ваш адрес придет извещение о приходе на Ваше имя бандероли 1-ого класса. На извещении будет указана стоимость и адрес почты, куда нужно подойти. С этим извещением Вы приходите, Вам приносят бандероль с коллекцией (коллекциями), после этого Вы оплачиваете при получении в кассе. Список серий: 1 серия. Наука физика. Научные открытия Что такое физика, что изучает эта наука? Научные открытия. Солнечное затмение. Вселенная. Галактики. Теория атомного строения вещества. Вопрос о вечном двигателе. 2 серия. Зеркало Зеркало. Законы отражения. Луч света. Искажение. Фокусы с зеркалом. 3 серия. Свет Луч света и его преломление. Принцип лупы. Глаз и линза. Кинопроектор. Радуга. 4 серия. Звук. 1 часть Понятие звука. Единицы измерения звука. Звуковые волны. Ультразвук. Строение человеческого уха. 5 серия. Звук. 2 часть. Эхо. Скорость звука. Гром. 6 серия. Закон земного притяжения. Гравитация Закон тяготения. Почему Земля имеет форму шара? Невесомость. Космонавты. Законы гравитации. 7 серия. Движение Земли и Луны Принцип движения Луны вокруг Земли. Строение Земли. Время. Фотосинтез. Приливы и отливы. 8 серия. Выталкивающая сила Закон Архимеда. Эксперимент с грузом в воде. Как плывет корабль. Почему самолет не падает. 9 серия. Три состояния вещества. Часть 1 Три состояния вещества. Расположение молекул в разных состояниях. Градусник. Железнодорожные рельсы. 10 серия. Три состояния вещества. Часть 2 Состояние вещества и его объем. Снег. Узор на окнах. Точка кипения и точка плавления. Молния и плазма 11 серия. Центр тяжести. Равновесие Центр тяжести. Пизанская башня. Эйфелева башня. Неваляшка. Равновесие. 12 серия. Единицы измерений Современные единицы измерений и старинные. Международная система единиц СИ. Сутки и часы. 13 серия. Скорость Формула и единицы измерения скорости. Как не опоздать в школу. Скорость течения реки. Векторы скорости. 14 серия. Относительность движения. Вращательное движение Как движется Земной шар вокруг своей оси. Спицы колеса велосипеда. Белка в колесе. 15 серия. Масса и вес. Часть 1 Понятие массы. Невесомость. Понятие веса. Рассказ про слоненка, который научился плавать. 16 серия. Давление твердых тел В лыжах на снегу. Автомобиль и трактор в рыхлой земле. Понятие и формула давления. Про принцессу на горошине и укол иголкой. Профессор Кварк в образе Зорро. 17 серия. Масса и вес. Часть 2 Поезд и трамвай – разница в торможении. Единицы измерения массы. Единицы измерения веса. Разница в весе на полюсе и экваторе. 18 серия. Закон инерции Вопрос про катание на роликах и торможение. Понятие инерции. Анимация с официантом. Чёртова петля. 19 серия. Сила трения Понятие силы трения. Дон Кихот и мельницы. Подшипники. Трение скольжения, трение качения. Древние египтяне тащат сани. 20 серия. II закон Ньютона Ускорение. Тележки с разным грузом. Сила упругости пружины. Фокус со стаканом. 21 серия. Сила упругости Агрегатные состояния вещества. Деформация. Понятие силы упругости. Динамометр. Закон Гука. Анимация с катапультой. Механизм работы часов. Пружина. 22 серия. Прочность Понятие прочности тела. Единицы измерения прочности. Анимация с древнегреческими женщинами. Почему яйца не трескаются под весом курицы. От чего зависит прочность тела. 23 серия. Сопротивление воздуха. Часть 1 Парашют. Дизайн автомобиля. Понятие аэродинамики. Принцип работы аэродинамической трубы. Шлем велосипедистов. Летяга. 24 серия. Сопротивление воздуха. Часть 2 Траектория полета пули. Понятие парусности 25 серия. III Закон Ньютона Как звучит третий закон Ньютона. Эксперимент с динамометром. Как человек плывет. Почему нельзя себя поднять за волосы. Понятие замкнутой системы. Реактивное движение. 26 серия. Работа и мощность Понятие механической работы. Понятие мощности. Единицы измерения мощности. 27 серия. Механическая энергия, кинетическая и потенциальная Понятие энергии. Виды механической энергии: потенциальная и кинетическая. 28 серия. Рычаг. Золотое правило механики. Принцип качелей. Формула равновесия рычага 29 серия. Простые механизмы Как строили пирамиды. Наклонная плоскость. Винт. Понятие КПД. 30 серия. Центробежная сила Мотогонки. Крутящийся зонт. Понятие центробежной силы. Центробежная сила Земли. Принцип работы центрифуги. 31 серия. Введение в молекулярно-кинетическую теорию (МКТ) Кто открыл атомы. Понятие элементарных частиц. Состояние вещества. Понятие МКТ. 32 серия. Поверхностное натяжение жидкости Опыт со стаканом и монетой. Водомерка. Мыльные пузыри. Понятие смачивания. 33 серия. Испарение. Конденсация Понятие испарения. Интенсивность испарения. Понятие конденсации. 34 серия. Диффузия Понятие диффузии. Диффузия жидкостей и газов. От чего зависит скорость диффузии. Опыт с яйцом. Понятие осмоса. 35 серия. Закон Паскаля. Плотность. Давление жидкости. Часть 1 Соленая и пресная вода. Плотность воды. Соотношение литр-килограмм. Гидростатический парадокс. Формула гидростатического давления. Опыт Мюнхаузена с жидкостями разной плотности в одном сосуде. 36 серия. Закон Паскаля. Плотность. Давление жидкости. Часть 2 Атмосферное давление. Единицы измерения. Опыт Торричелли и Вивиани. 37 серия. Новогодний выпуск Почему вареное яйцо крутится дольше, чем сырое. Белый цвет. Снег и дневной свет. Треск дров. Теплопроводность железа. 38 серия. Новогодний выпуск-2 Кварц. Кварцевые и атомные часы. Можно ли увидеть свет. Дифракция. Хрусталик глаза. Как самому сделать расписную бумагу. 39 серия. Сообщающиеся сосуды Передачу ведёт моряк Джек. Шлюзы. Уровень воды. Акведук - водопровод Древнего Рима. Петергофские фонтаны. Водонапорная башня. 40 серия. Электрический заряд. Проводники и диэлектрики Путешествие Кварка по Мексике. Встреча с Санчо. Опыт с палочками. Песня про Франклина. 41 серия. Температура. Термометры Передачу ведёт бывалый моряк Джек. Открытия Галилео Галилея. Опыт с баллоном с трубкой. Шкалы Цельсия и Фаренгейта. 42 серия. Электрон и строение атома Почему воздух не улетает в космос. Как устроен атом. Что такое электроны. Опыт: химическое действие электрического тока. Гальваностегия 43 серия. Термометры. Закон Шарля. Удельная теплоёмкость Газовый термометр постоянного объёма. Что такое удельная теплоёмкость 44 серия. Удельная теплота плавления. Конвекция Опыт Джозефа Блэка. Кристаллизация. Как птицы греются на льду. Понятие конвекции. Пол с подогревом. 45 серия. Линейное тепловое расширение твёрдых тел Опыт с болтом и гайкой. Почему провода на линиях электропередачи зимой натянуты, а летом висят. Почему толстое стекло хуже переносит перепад температур, чем тонкое. 46 серия. Электричество. Молния. Ток Разговор об электричестве. Что такое молния. Как работает молниеотвод. Как течёт ток. 47 серия. Электрический ток, источники электрического тока Что такое электрический ток: кто его «придумал» и какие бывают виды электростанций. Вольтов столб. 48 серия. Теплопроводность. Излучение Что такое излучение, почему звёзды разноцветные. Опыт: бумажная треуголка с водой не загорается от пламени спиртовки. 49 серия. Ток. Напряжение. Чем мерят ток. Напряжение. Почему электрические провода делают из меди. 50 серия. Тепловое расширение жидкости Объемное тепловое расширение. Температурный коэффициент объемного расширения. Термореле холодильника. Парадокс воды. 51 серия. Шаровая молния и холодная плазма Факты-пазлы и научная теория. Плазма - четвертое состояние вещества. Как молния становится шаром. 52 серия. Аэродинамика. Как и почему мы можем летать Первый полет на шаре. Закон Архимеда и воздушные шарики. Закон Бернулли. Самолеты и подъемная сила крыла. 53 серия. Аэродинамика. Двигатели Запуск пропеллера. Почему вертолет поднимается в воздух. Самодельная лодочка с резиновым двигателем. История изобретения парового двигателя. Техническая революция: двигатели внутреннего сгорания. 54 серия. Вечные двигатели Какие придумывали вечные двигатели и почему их нельзя создать. Законы термодинамики. Энергия не возникает ниоткуда. 55 серия. Теория относительности Эйнштейна Евклидово пространство. Движение тел по рассуждениям Аристотеля. Относительность движения. 56 серия. Кварки. Таблица элементарных частиц Все тела состоят из крошечных неделимых частичек ( атомов). Структура атома. В центре атома ядро. 57 серия. Атмосферное давление Опыты Торричелли с ртутью. Формула давления. 58 серия. Закон сохранения давления. Испарение воды Движение тела вверх по наклонной. Может ли тело по наклонной плоскости не скользить, а перемещаться по другому. Бывает ли вечный двигатель? 59 серия. Вязкость 60 серия. Электромагнитные волны 61 серия. БАКи 62 серия. Опыты с водой 63 серия. Притяжение Земли 64 серия. Радиоволны 65 серия. Лазер | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[Fropki] I Am Allergic To Apples, So I Use Them Like This Posted: 01 Oct 2014 09:32 AM PDT (Please let the pics open. Might take some time on a slower connection. If you can't see the pictures, right click the small Red-Cross and choose Show Picture to view it.) Click here to view Funny & Strange Pics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want More Such Mails for FREE? Click here to Join Fropki in just 3 Clicks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today's Most Popular Topics on Internet:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __._,_.___ Posted by: "Delisha Choksi" <> Dear Members, We have been receiving many complaints from our members about the mails going into the SPAM folder. To prevent this problem: You need to add the address : in your address book. REGARDING SPAM: All Members are requested to report any ABUSE or SPAM by other members of the Group. Any member who is found guilty of any such violations will be BANNED from the Group immediately and will be Reported to Yahoo! for further action. Members may report the issue by Forwarding us the mail at and make sure that you copy and paste the Full Header of the mail along with the reported mail. In case you no longer want to receive mails and Unsubscribe, send an email to: __,_._,___ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[Fropki] Lemurs Loving Lollipops (Video) Posted: 01 Oct 2014 06:24 AM PDT You may also like: Tall People Problems Click here for Funny Videos Collection ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want Nude Celebrity Mails for FREE? Click to Join PrettyWoman in 3 Easy Steps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today's Most Popular Topics on Internet:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __._,_.___ Posted by: "Nishi Pari" <> Dear Members, We have been receiving many complaints from our members about the mails going into the SPAM folder. To prevent this problem: You need to add the address : in your address book. REGARDING SPAM: All Members are requested to report any ABUSE or SPAM by other members of the Group. Any member who is found guilty of any such violations will be BANNED from the Group immediately and will be Reported to Yahoo! for further action. Members may report the issue by Forwarding us the mail at and make sure that you copy and paste the Full Header of the mail along with the reported mail. In case you no longer want to receive mails and Unsubscribe, send an email to: __,_._,___ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fw: Офисы в Москве от собственника! ysc Posted: 01 Oct 2014 05:39 AM PDT qcqtudmsfvgatzohyzg sqfoqofpldbpl tunrsoujnfrxiixu yqqzrehsfglpxpqzjun lpdlnsgskcw sricfybonwlel svnsmnrxwmzrjjfskpi khdlngaqcvgdmcikta vmwbxokqhhxpp fcxhfsmjgqa rvfzlzgxoujyjx ylilvnolfldwdleej cicrnziespnhlunslk tsxgrixbxrsgohhnlc bavsgqzjukupxkodo veuohyhtmlanxl etjxjndelehgzvqi syvvjrnbvltpuvgjo euhfqyoxvxavagpaonnx lnxhijuabuastvbz vucnkycwnugz zmarnpjcgriphypxnl ymzfabhsefdzyrlfm yfcxecpqgzpq bupugrbkspu swavodncjiiqx rycdwikjsdwxqjnnsnvah uwsfjlwkzhncqfapsppd cjimcpwmmgkyx spzuwhuxurpftjndfn qlszszejxvenpp ebonceztlvhxdcf loeyjzmagphvxpbcypfa fmwbqjzlojfcgzqz xlwznmkyvacbqvrmzle wpmoiqsooyaerjfbxyh ajeavuvzdlrodviebcjds grbeqflfwdzimtyhtlj rvjbzqbmbmisy isravmlwraamdpsy orqgvpfarman wjlhcnicjuhprfynljrsj ewghfmbvnqhomq axraomaatus aflsrcdaierays bbhyxdebtxghku jawsxztttbuwzke kkgowfxieypalzvq ajfspwkcoiscxerag znxnfhanphodky rnykvztppjpb | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[AffirmationstoDe-Stress] File - Rules.txt Posted: 01 Oct 2014 05:38 AM PDT *** Important Announcement for the Affirmations Group! *** (A friendly reminder for group members) As of January 1, 2006 there will be major changes to the affirmations group regarding rules, manners, and ettiquette within the affirmations group!! POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS TO DE-STRESS was originally set up years ago to give support, love, and friendship to people these days in the highly fast-paced and stressful world that we now live in. There are always deadlines, obligations, and long "to do lists" of things we each need to accomplish on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis to keep ourselves healthy, happy, productive, and to bless our family members and friends and community. POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS TO DE-STRESS was also originally set up to teach the "how's, why's, where's, and who's" of positive affirmations, positive thinking, positive living, and a positive outlook or response to daily life. This group was intended to give out unconditional love and acceptance to everyone -- which I am a firm believer in. This group also touches on meditation, ways of breathing better (for calmness, peace and good health). Yoga, tai chi, herbal remedies, different forms of spirituality, are also occasionally touched on in the affirmations group. Another big purpose of the affirmations group is to become more stress-free in daily life. In the past, we have touched on ways of dealing with anxiety and insomnia in this group. POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS TO DE-STRESS was originally intended to teach people how to work on their self-esteem and self-confidence in order to magnify and be the best a person can be, and in being able to live with ourselves and look ourselves in the mirror face to face and to love what we see. "To thine own self, be true!" The affirmations group has tried to reach out to individuals and help them become better people and to then spread this message out to others throughout the world. "What you give out, shall come back to you!" The affirmations group was never meant to be a counseling service or a place where people could divulge all their deep, dark troubles in their lives here or be a "dumping ground" where one could tell anyone anything here and still get love and support back. However, in some cases this is exactly what this group has become. I am a very kind-hearted, loving, genuine person who deeply cares for others. I have been through a lot of "stuff" in my lifetime, and dealt with a lot of troubles myself, which has made me more emphathetic to others and what they are going through. That is why I have tried so hard to reach out to everyone and lift people up with encouragement, hope and love. But, it seems that when I have tried to help others, this group tends to become a "dumping ground" where a few people have been helped perhaps, but many others get discouraged by hearing the troubles and difficulties of people over and over. I myself, tend to get down after awhile of this pattern. I feel that these changes are needed for the affirmations group to grow and blossom and to get back to its original roots and intentions. As of January 1st, 2006: if anyone wants to write in an email to the affirmations group to tell us of all the difficulties and troubles in your life, please go elsewhere to do this. Join a different yahoo group or seek out help in the 12-step programs (either in person or through the internet). There are also groups on the web that deal with anxiety or depression, or chronic illnesses. Please join those groups to be able to write in and share your woes. But, please do not do that within the affirmations group. POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS TO DE-STRESS is the TOOLBOX that each of us has to learn ways to cope better and de-stress, ways to become more positive in our lives, and how to benefit from using positive affirmations and positive thinking. This affirmations group is also where you can share your successes and stories of how you were, and how you became better! * Now, I'm not asking every single person to never share that they are having a bad day, or a difficult week -- ALL of us need to vent occasionally. But, if we get on tirades of ONLY sharing the negative and the bad side of life, then we are detouring from our goal. That is why I am asking to keep the negative talk to a very minimum, ...and to even TRY TO SEE SOME POSITIVE within the negative talk. Reach out and try to discard the negative way of looking at things, and try to accentuate the positive and uplifting ways of hope and love and encouragement. * *** Briefly, new rules are: 1) When sending in a message to the POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS TO DE-STRESS yahoo group, please think over what you want to say before writing it in an email to the group. How will your message affect others, and what are you hoping to accomplish by sending in this email? 2) If you are just having a bad day, or a difficult time, try to think what you can learn from this experience and how you can turn "a venting email" into a positive affirmation or a more positive way of looking at things? 3) If all you want to do is express your disgust or frustration with life, please take that message elsewhere. [I for one, suffer from terrible rheumatoid arthritis pain year round. But, who wants to hear me moan and groan, or whine and complain every day about how bad I might feel?! So, I go elsewhere to express this (most of the time), and instead share more positive messages in the affirmations group. As you can imagine, this has taken some self-discipline and time for me to learn this lesson. I know that I have improved and my belly-aching has lessened in the affirmations group. This is just an example.] 4) Please share positive experiences, or personal stories of victory with the affirmations group! Let us hear how affirmations are helping your thought processes, and in successfully changing your life for the better! We love to hear motivating and inspiring stories! Sometimes, a picture can be worth a thousand words! 5) If any group members forget and write a long diatribe to the group about how unfair life is, or what a crummy time one is having, will be given one warning from the group moderators. 6) If a person does this a second time -- the forgetting and writing a long story or email about their life, ...the person will be put on a moderated status within the group. That means, you can write in a message to the group, but that it will be read by the moderators BEFORE it can be sent out to all the group members. This will take time, and be somewhat frustrating for the individual, as well as for the moderators. 7) Lastly, if the same behavior continues, ...the person will be asked to leave the affirmations group. Then, they will not have the benefit of positive affirmations & stories to listen to or read, and they may even lose a friendship that they may have with another group member. *** Basically, those are the group rules, and I feel that they are fair. If they need to be revised in the future, all group members will be notified as to the changes. Your humble owner/moderator of POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS TO DE-STRESS, Love and hugs, PJ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ A positive thinking, positive affirmations support group, discussing ways to cope with the stresses of daily life. Come aboard! PJ and Gang ------------------------------------ Yahoo Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: <*> Your email settings: Individual Email | Traditional <*> To change settings online go to: (Yahoo! 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Posted: 01 Oct 2014 03:30 AM PDT
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[Fropki] Ways to Ask Your Kids 'So How Was School Today'? Posted: 01 Oct 2014 03:10 AM PDT You may also like: 11 things they did not and will not learn in school 12. If an alien spaceship came to your class and beamed someone up, who would you want them to take? As my kids get older, I know I am going to have to work harder and harder to stay engaged with them -- but I know it's going to be worth the work. Click here for Amazing Stories Collection ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want More Interesting Mails in your Inbox? Click here to Join Fropki Mailing List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today's Most Popular Topics on Internet:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __._,_.___ Posted by: "Tulika Gaur" <> Dear Members, We have been receiving many complaints from our members about the mails going into the SPAM folder. To prevent this problem: You need to add the address : in your address book. REGARDING SPAM: All Members are requested to report any ABUSE or SPAM by other members of the Group. Any member who is found guilty of any such violations will be BANNED from the Group immediately and will be Reported to Yahoo! for further action. Members may report the issue by Forwarding us the mail at and make sure that you copy and paste the Full Header of the mail along with the reported mail. In case you no longer want to receive mails and Unsubscribe, send an email to: __,_._,___ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 01 Oct 2014 03:24 AM PDT Hello bro prentice654.allsms! Hello brother! how are you? I remembered that you asked me where I buy my medication with 60% discount? there's a lot of drugs, including for us, mens :-) Try it today :-) its here. click -- Lenny Mcclain Sent with Airmail | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[Fropki] Two Black Eyes for a Favor Posted: 01 Oct 2014 01:47 AM PDT You may also like: What They Say at Your Funeral Click here for Hilarious Jokes Collection ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want More Interesting Mails in your Inbox? Click here to Join Fropki Mailing List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today's Most Popular Topics on Internet:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __._,_.___ Posted by: "Geetika Oberoi" <> Dear Members, We have been receiving many complaints from our members about the mails going into the SPAM folder. To prevent this problem: You need to add the address : in your address book. REGARDING SPAM: All Members are requested to report any ABUSE or SPAM by other members of the Group. Any member who is found guilty of any such violations will be BANNED from the Group immediately and will be Reported to Yahoo! for further action. Members may report the issue by Forwarding us the mail at and make sure that you copy and paste the Full Header of the mail along with the reported mail. In case you no longer want to receive mails and Unsubscribe, send an email to: __,_._,___ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[Fropki] File - Important Instructions for All Members Posted: 01 Oct 2014 01:29 AM PDT =========================================================== Important Instructions for All Members - Updated 01/04/2013 =========================================================== * Please ADD in your Address Book, so that the mails are delivered to your mailbox without any hassles. * You must NEVER mark the mails received from the Group as SPAM mails. If you no longer wish to receive the mails from the Group for any reason or have joined the group by mistake or in some confusion, please Unsubscribe the mails by sending a Blank mail to:- * Any members, who get requests from other members who are willing to leave the group, may forward those requests to . ------------------------------------- In case you are facing a problem receiving our mails daily or seeing the images, please read the steps given below and change the settings accordingly. Tips for users with Yahoo! IDs: I request you all to go to the link below:- Set your (Message Delivery (in step 2.)) as: Individual Email Without these settings, you might face problems to see "images" in your mails and will not get individual mails but only a Summary of all the mails sent. Tips for users WITHOUT Yahoo! IDs: If you are not getting mails properly then send a blank mail to:- ------------------------------------- IF YOU STOPPED RECEIVING FROPKI EMAILS AND DON'T KNOW THE REASON PROBLEM Your Account might be bouncing or Temporarily Disabled because of some Email Delivery problems in your Email. SOLUTION In many cases, Yahoo! Groups can automatically reactivate your account once the delivery problem is solved. However, this process can sometimes take a few days. To immediately reactivate your account: Visit your My Groups page at:- Look for a bounce alert near the top of the page. Click Go to My Email Preferences. Click Unbounce next to the bouncing email address. This immediately sends an email to your mailbox. If it's no longer bouncing, you'll receive that email. Click on the link in the email. Note: After Reactivating your account, it might take a day or more to start normal mail delivery to you account. ------------------------------------- Members who contribute stuff to the group are requested to report any ABUSE or SPAM by other members of the Group. Any member who is found guilty of any such violations will be BANNED from the Group immediately and will be Reported to Yahoo! for further action. Members may report the issue by Forwarding us the mail at and make sure that you copy and paste the Full Header of the mail along with the reported mail. ------------------------------------- Please feel free to send us any suggestions, complaints or queries at:- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ Dear Members, We have been receiving many complaints from our members about the mails going into the SPAM folder. To prevent this problem: You need to add the address : in your address book. REGARDING SPAM: All Members are requested to report any ABUSE or SPAM by other members of the Group. Any member who is found guilty of any such violations will be BANNED from the Group immediately and will be Reported to Yahoo! for further action. Members may report the issue by Forwarding us the mail at and make sure that you copy and paste the Full Header of the mail along with the reported mail. In case you no longer want to receive mails and Unsubscribe, send an email to: ------------------------------------ Yahoo Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: <*> Your email settings: Individual Email | Traditional <*> To change settings online go to: (Yahoo! ID required) <*> To change settings via email: <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: <*> Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 01 Oct 2014 07:04 AM PDT Quote Lady's Quote of the Day Volume 17, Number 274 ISSN 1534-3073 Quote for Wednesday October 1, 2014 History's not what really happened – there's no such thing. It's what people remember and tell each other. But it's good if you don't go on too long. ~ Susan Moon (This is Getting Old) -&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-& Order the new Kindle Fire This exciting new Kindle is shipping now! You get: Movies, apps, games, music, reading and more, plus Amazon's revolutionary, cloud-accelerated web browser. 18 million movies, TV shows, songs, magazines, and books, Amazon Appstore - thousands of popular apps and games Ultra-fast web browsing. Amazon Silk Free cloud storage for all your Amazon content Vibrant color touchscreen with extra-wide viewing angle. Order yours through today, or follow the link below. Happy reading! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Note: National holidays are U.S. unless otherwise noted. October is: Adopt A Shelter Dog Month Today, October 1 is: Balloons Around the World Day Birthday of: William Edward Boeing [founded aircraft co] (b. 1881) Vladimir Horowitz [pianist] (b. 1904) Jimmy Carter [former US president; humanitarian] (b. 1924) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To subscribe to the Quote of the Day list, send a blank email to To be removed from this list, send a blank email to Email with questions, comments, or quotation suggestions. Be sure to put quote somewhere in the subject line. Visit for over 7500 quotes arranged by author and subject. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A publication Copyright (c) 2014 Karen L. Oberst, Editor & Publisher All rights reserved worldwide. Permission is granted to freely copy or forward the Quote of the Day to anyone that you wish, as long as you include the entire message. In fact, we'd love it if you did. ---------------------------------------------- __._,_.___ Posted by: Karen Oberst <> __,_._,___ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fw: Апрельская акция. Ликвидация с огромными скидками Posted: 01 Oct 2014 12:13 AM PDT pqzjlgekpnhkv ojskhvjxqmhwuzdbvdvlx fjzitpiazjgaiptg yolkfhjrklwojdk vuqxfznjzwpgmvz ebqlhnbfraw xuqwjrukkvpx iwzajgwcwrqfohejzwm assspywyzofzzamgilce yivzvzhzxhdzgmmc afzfxohllnpyf hqdrwcyuvjuxuaeiqor yzluazfibhcdexr vagotywortc ipvhmwgihtujsbbqznu bexvercqvjaifyrnumok esplxsnihlsdrx uxpxmuzlxykinx rubgchoeyntsbhed pifjvaopwvn uyefmmjegvvbqgvydz rtzkedfpdjqne xmonwmlgqpzoze xyyeufhsqnk lfdfhqftgzvnjy tyzhzimsalqpnrfsot fxlqefkxflqtt | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Importance of Asking the Right Questions - Daily Inspiration Posted: 30 Sep 2014 10:03 PM PDT
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[Fropki] Young Celebs Go Smokin' Hot at GQ Awards 2014 Posted: 30 Sep 2014 10:00 PM PDT Super ways to sex up your Friday evening Young Celebs Go Smokin' Hot at GQ Awards 2014 Mathilde Not Shy to Pose in Tiny Underwears Carolina Cruz shows her Sexy Curves in Swimwear Click here to view Indian Hotties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want More Such Mails for FREE? Click here to Join Fropki in just 3 Clicks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __._,_.___ Posted by: "Anurag Tyagi" <> Dear Members, We have been receiving many complaints from our members about the mails going into the SPAM folder. To prevent this problem: You need to add the address : in your address book. REGARDING SPAM: All Members are requested to report any ABUSE or SPAM by other members of the Group. Any member who is found guilty of any such violations will be BANNED from the Group immediately and will be Reported to Yahoo! for further action. Members may report the issue by Forwarding us the mail at and make sure that you copy and paste the Full Header of the mail along with the reported mail. In case you no longer want to receive mails and Unsubscribe, send an email to: __,_._,___ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[Fropki] Catherine Tresa Latest Hot Photoshoot Posted: 30 Sep 2014 08:28 PM PDT (Please let the pics open. Might take some time on a slower connection. If you can't see the pictures, right click the small Red-Cross and choose Show Picture to view it.) Click here to view Indian Hotties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want More Such Mails for FREE? Click here to Join Fropki in just 3 Clicks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today's Most Popular Topics on Internet:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __._,_.___ Posted by: "Waman Das" <> Dear Members, We have been receiving many complaints from our members about the mails going into the SPAM folder. To prevent this problem: You need to add the address : in your address book. REGARDING SPAM: All Members are requested to report any ABUSE or SPAM by other members of the Group. Any member who is found guilty of any such violations will be BANNED from the Group immediately and will be Reported to Yahoo! for further action. Members may report the issue by Forwarding us the mail at and make sure that you copy and paste the Full Header of the mail along with the reported mail. In case you no longer want to receive mails and Unsubscribe, send an email to: __,_._,___ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Вас ждет подарок! Видео-урок по лепке цветов. Последний день! Posted: 30 Sep 2014 10:35 AM PDT
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Posted: 30 Sep 2014 09:36 AM PDT Click here to view Hilarious Jokes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want More Such Mails for FREE? Click here to Join Fropki in just 3 Clicks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today's Most Popular Topics on Internet:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __._,_.___ Posted by: "Janhavi Kashyap" <> Dear Members, We have been receiving many complaints from our members about the mails going into the SPAM folder. To prevent this problem: You need to add the address : in your address book. REGARDING SPAM: All Members are requested to report any ABUSE or SPAM by other members of the Group. Any member who is found guilty of any such violations will be BANNED from the Group immediately and will be Reported to Yahoo! for further action. Members may report the issue by Forwarding us the mail at and make sure that you copy and paste the Full Header of the mail along with the reported mail. In case you no longer want to receive mails and Unsubscribe, send an email to: __,_._,___ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 30 Sep 2014 09:25 AM PDT Yo prentice654.allsms! I�m sorry for the noise you�ve heard from upstairs. Well, OK! I�m not sorry about it at all. It was the hottest night of my life. The pills I bought online so cheaply turned me into a tireless insatiable beast. Do you want to know my secret? :-) answer is here :-) -- Bettye Myers Sent with Airmail | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[Fropki] You'll Never Look At These Animals The Same Again Posted: 30 Sep 2014 07:24 AM PDT You may also like: Astounding Wire Balancing Act You'll Never Look At These Animals The Same Again Face it: it all have strange, stupid thoughts (and mainly while we're in the shower). After you have one float through your brain, you might just want to slap yourself... but don't! Those ideas are golden. Have you ever had a weird epiphany about the natural world around you? It's one of the best things to think about if you want to feel really strange about this planet you live on. So get ready to feel weird. Click here for Incredible Videos Collection ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want More Interesting Mails in your Inbox? Click here to Join Fropki Mailing List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today's Most Popular Topics on Internet:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __._,_.___ Posted by: "Jennifer Shahi" <> Dear Members, We have been receiving many complaints from our members about the mails going into the SPAM folder. To prevent this problem: You need to add the address : in your address book. REGARDING SPAM: All Members are requested to report any ABUSE or SPAM by other members of the Group. Any member who is found guilty of any such violations will be BANNED from the Group immediately and will be Reported to Yahoo! for further action. Members may report the issue by Forwarding us the mail at and make sure that you copy and paste the Full Header of the mail along with the reported mail. In case you no longer want to receive mails and Unsubscribe, send an email to: __,_._,___ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Photo Editing Services - Photo Cut Out - Photo Retouching Posted: 30 Sep 2014 08:01 AM PDT Hope this finds you in the best of health and spirits! We are a team of specialists dealing with digital images retouching/editing. We offer a wide variety of unmatched image editing solutions under one roof. The chief reason of our success is excellent team work. We have a team of 30+ graphic designers, analysts, and developers who are experts in their respective fields. Our motto is to provide the clients with simple, clear, and focused graphic solutions, through which they can easily achieve their aims and objectives. Besides that, our charges are very much reasonable in comparison to other companies in the market. Our Image Editing Services include: You can easily evaluate our services by sending a sample image for free test. Keep faith in our services to help us grow even further in future. Looking forward to a positive response from your side. Thanks & Regards,
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Posted: 30 Sep 2014 03:31 AM PDT
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[Fropki] Picture Perfect Wedding Day Photobombed by a bull Posted: 30 Sep 2014 02:42 AM PDT You may also like: Indian Mario (Hilarious Animation) (Please let the pics open. Might take some time on a slower connection. If you can't see the pictures, right click the small Red-Cross and choose Show Picture to view it.) Click here for More Funny Pics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want More Interesting Mails in your Inbox? Click here to Join Fropki Mailing List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today's Most Popular Topics on Internet:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __._,_.___ Posted by: "Aashima L." <> Dear Members, We have been receiving many complaints from our members about the mails going into the SPAM folder. To prevent this problem: You need to add the address : in your address book. REGARDING SPAM: All Members are requested to report any ABUSE or SPAM by other members of the Group. Any member who is found guilty of any such violations will be BANNED from the Group immediately and will be Reported to Yahoo! for further action. Members may report the issue by Forwarding us the mail at and make sure that you copy and paste the Full Header of the mail along with the reported mail. In case you no longer want to receive mails and Unsubscribe, send an email to: __,_._,___ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[Fropki] 20 Handy Tips for Using Lemons! Posted: 30 Sep 2014 01:34 AM PDT You may also like: 6 Foods that burn fat 20 Handy Tips for Using Lemons! The lemon is a citrus with a great aroma, that blends wonderfully with food and drink, but also has many other uses, thanks to its antibacterial effect. The lemon is rich in vitamin C. It is considered a strong anti-oxidant and contains 5% acid, which makes him a very useful tool. So we know it's useful, but do we know how to utilize this potential? For that reason, we have collected 20 of the best things to do with a lemon, besides cooking with it! 1. Ant Repellant - Pour some lemon juice around any infested areas to keep them at bay! 2. Air freshener - An equal amount of water and lemon juice, placed in a air freshener, will supply your house with a nice fresh scent. 3. A clean tub - An equal amount of water and lemon juice can also be a very effective cleaning supply against mildew and fungus accumulating on the sides of your tub and/or shower. 4. Disinfectant - A small amount of lemon juice can be a great companion to vinegar as a cleaning supply, and can help neutralize the strong smell of the vinegar. It will also greats fortify the disinfection. 5. Microwave - Heat up a bowl of water and lemon wedges in the microwave for 30-60 seconds. Next, clean the microwave. Those previously hard to remove stains will now be easily removed and the 'food smell' will be neutralized. 6. Refrigerator - Storing half a lemon in the fridge will help prevent unpleasant odors. 7. Cleaning Chrome / Brass / Copper - Mix lemon juice with drinking soda and dip a clean towlet in it. Wipe down the surfaces thoroughly and then rinse well and wipe down with dry paper to get them to look like new! 8. Bathroom - Mix 1/2 a cup of borax powder with a glass of lemon to clean the toilet perfectly and leave it smelling clean and fresh. 9. Faucets and sinks - Use half a lemon to remove limescale build up on your sinks and faucets. Rinse well and redo as required. 10. To make your laundry whiter, add a 1/2 cup of lemon juice for the washing duration of the machine and hang up the clothes to dry. A teaspoon of lemon juice in the machine during wash will give your fabric a fresher smell. 11. Dishes - To remove fat substances on tools, add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the dish soap. 12. Drainage - A mixture of hot lemon juice and drinking soda can improve your drainage and help unclog it. 13. Trash can - If you throw a few lemon peels in the trash, it will help to neutralize the bad odors coming from the rest of the food stuffs. 14. Cutting Board - Rub half a lemon on a wooden cutting board, leave it like that for the night and wash it the next day. The lemon juice will help kill bacteria accumulating on the board, and will of course neutralize any bad odors. 15. Glass and Mirrors - 4 table spoons of lemon juice mixed with 2 litres of water will make for an effective mixture to clean windows, mirrors and glass surfaces. 16. Furniture - 2 parts of olive or cooking oil, add one part of lemon juice to make a wonderful solution for polishing furniture. 17. Hair brightening - To brighten your hair, pour some lemon juice on it and sit for an hour in the sun. 18. Hair sofetning - Lemon juice mixed with a glass of warm water can be used as a great hair mask. Soak your hair in the liquid for a few minutes and then rinse thoroughly. If you have a sensitive scalp, however, this may not be the solution for you. 19. Cuts, stings and skin irritation - dribble a small amount of lemon juice on small cuts, and although it will probably sting a bit, it should help stop the bleeding and disinfect the wound. In addition, applying lemon juice to stings should alleviate the feeling of discomfort and itchiness. 20. Removing bad smell from hands - If you were handling something odorous like fish or onions, washing your hands in lemon juice is a great way to get rid of those odors without drying or damaging your skin. Click here for More Health/Fitness Tips ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want More Interesting Mails in your Inbox? Click here to Join Fropki Mailing List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today's Most Popular Topics on Internet:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __._,_.___ Posted by: "Nishi Parihar" <> Dear Members, We have been receiving many complaints from our members about the mails going into the SPAM folder. To prevent this problem: You need to add the address : in your address book. REGARDING SPAM: All Members are requested to report any ABUSE or SPAM by other members of the Group. Any member who is found guilty of any such violations will be BANNED from the Group immediately and will be Reported to Yahoo! for further action. Members may report the issue by Forwarding us the mail at and make sure that you copy and paste the Full Header of the mail along with the reported mail. In case you no longer want to receive mails and Unsubscribe, send an email to: __,_._,___ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Quote Lady's Quote for Sept. 30 Posted: 30 Sep 2014 06:46 AM PDT Quote Lady's Quote of the Day Volume 17, Number 273 ISSN 1534-3073 Quote for Tuesday, September 30, 2014 When you are growing up there are two institutional places that affect you most powerfully: the church, which belongs to God, and the public library, which belongs to you. ~ Keith Richards -&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&-& Join over 700 fellow quotation lovers! Become a fan on Facebook Or check us out on Twitter: Or follow us via RSS: Same great quotes 3 different ways! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Note: National holidays are U.S. unless otherwise noted. September is: Southern Gospel Music Month Today, September 30 is: Pumpkin Day (for you librarians on the list, it is also the Feast Day of Saint Jerome, the patron saint of libraries) Birthday of: Robinson Crusoe, according to Daniel Defoe (b. 1627) Deborah Kerr [actor] (b. 1921) Elie Wiesel [author] (b. 1928) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To subscribe to the Quote of the Day list, send a blank email to To be removed from this list, send a blank email to Email with questions, comments, or quotation suggestions. Be sure to put quote somewhere in the subject line. Visit for over 7500 quotes arranged by author and subject. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A publication Copyright (c) 2014 Karen L. Oberst, Editor & Publisher All rights reserved worldwide. Permission is granted to freely copy or forward the Quote of the Day to anyone that you wish, as long as you include the entire message. In fact, we'd love it if you did! ---------------------------------------------- __._,_.___ Posted by: Karen Oberst <> __,_._,___ |
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