
Monday, May 25, 2015

[Fropki] 21 Hilarious Furry Guys Beg To Be Back Inside

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2. "The shade is running out! SOS!"

3. He has to use the bathroom and hates peeing in the great big litter box we call nature.

4. "Do I smell...roast beef?"

5. Can you imagine waking up to this lovely view every morning?

6. Hey there, little goat. Sorry you're not an inside goat...these cedar floorboards were just

7. "Do you not see that it's raining?! Rude."

8. "Knock, knock. Who's there? LET ME IN."

9. "I know I begged for an hour to come out here...but three minutes is enough!"

10. "Morning already? I waited here all night! I think I deserve to at least share a bowl of Cocoa Puffs with you."

11. "I know you didn't mean to lock the I came to the window. In please!"

12. "I'm just a dog...sitting in a flower pot...dreaming of a nice dry doggie bed."

13. "Okay...found my toys, you can let me in now, human."

14. "But...I wanted to pick out some fresh fruit! Remember, it's strawberry season!"

15. "I rang the doorbell, but I guess it's broken?! Hey...hi...hello? Oh, It's not broken? Okay."

16. Uh-oh...the claws are out!

17. "I've been waiting out here so long, I've melted into a kitty blob!"

18. Do you mind? I just washed that window.

19. "We're gonna need a bigger dog door."

20. "Look. I can human, too. Now please let me inside?"

21. "It's not as bad as it looks..."
That raccoon gets me every time. I feel like I'd HAVE to let him in if he showed up on my back porch! Then again, I'd probably let all of these cuties inside if they begged...

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