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The birds were louder this morning, raucous, oblivious, tweeting their teensy bird-brains out. It scared me, until I remembered it’s Spring. How do they know it? A stupid question. Thank you, birdies. I had forgotten how promise feels.
“In an uncollected early essay called ‘Vorticism’ Ezra Pound wrote that things juxtaposed ‘create their own relationship’—a technique that poets since have taken to the bank and sometimes robbed it blind. ‘Spring (Again)’ presents a pretty straightforward narrative for three lines then spends the last two lines in the speaker’s mind. I hope the relationships are clear. The speaker is, as Emily Dickinson said, ‘not me, but a supposed person.’ I hope he’s a little funny as well as sad. After a winter like the recent one, people may need cheering up.” —Michael Ryan
Michael Ryan is the author of This Morning (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012). He directs the MFA Program in poetry at the University of California, Irvine, where he lives.
Launched during National Poetry Month in 2006, Poem-a-Day features new and previously unpublished poems by contemporary poets on weekdays and classic poems on weekends.
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