
Thursday, July 21, 2016

[Fropki] 23 Mind-Opening Pictures That Reveal The Truth Behind The Photographs We Love

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Rita Ora shows her Privates in Hot Leather Nightie

Photography has really become a profession of choice for a lot of youngsters nowadays. Every second person with a DSLR camera has a photography page to their name. Thanks to the internet, we also end up coming across some really stunning pictures. 

While there are some who don't like to manipulate their shots, there are many who resort to a lot digital manipulation. There's nothing wrong with that, one must not forget that it's a lot of hard work. But do you realise what goes on behind the camera before the perfect shot is clicked? 

If you're a budding photographer, this will hopefully give you a fair idea of what you're in for. 

1. Foxy

2. Things you do for the perfect shot

3. Especially wedding shots

4. The reality behind the magic

5. And people behind surrealism

6. And daredevil parents behind cute baby photos

7. They never shoot in real rain, you know that right?

8. I couldn't imagine this wasn't digitally made.

9. Some really push themselves to the limit.

10. And a lot more adventurous people lie behind adventure photographs

11. Perfume photoshoots are literally the shit.

12. What a beautiful concept. 

13. Miniature madness.

14. Vintage photography doesn't really need vintage cars.

15. Food photography is the worst. Not really.

16. Wow!

17. Just imagine what must have gone behind this photo.

18. Fetch!

19. Remember this famous couple?

20. Badass!

21. Aurora Borealis

22. Reminds you of the science fair, doesn't it?

23. I had to save the best for the last. Wtf bro?

Happy clicking.

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