
Thursday, December 15, 2016

Dwelling in possibility

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Dear Friend,


When we read Poem-a-Day, we "dwell in possibility" together.


There is comfort in picturing so many of us considering the same poem, across state lines and in many different countries.


Our lives, singular and plural, are enriched when we take the time poems ask of us to reflect, to feel, and to imagine.


You make this possibility possible!


Only with your help are we able to deliver poetry so far and wide.


Last year through Poem-a-Day,, National Poetry Month, and our Materials for K–12 teachers we reached tens of millions of readers of all ages. Without an endowment underwriting these free publications and programs, this was only possible because of your support.


When you contribute to the Academy of American Poets you will enable us to share poetry with millions more readers in 2017, making a positive difference in their lives.


Please join us in championing poets and poetry.


With appreciation,


mug-shot-jen signature
Jennifer Benka,
Executive Director

P.S. We need to raise $50,000 by December 31 to sustain our free programs and publications in the year ahead. Please contribute today. And, in thanks for your tax-deductible support of $50 or more, we're thrilled to share our beautiful Gwendolyn Brooks debossed notebook.


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