
Friday, September 1, 2017

"To a Head of Lettuce" by Amy Gerstler

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September 1, 2017

To a Head of Lettuce

Amy Gerstler

About This Poem


"That plants are sentient beings too, as more and more research about flora confirms, and that despite this fact, even vegans have to eat something—remains an issue I feel unnerved by, and wrestle with, and then sometimes mock myself for getting caught up in. I was spinning out fantasizing about the feelings of items in the produce section of a grocery store, wondering what it might be like if they could give their feelings voice, and thus began this poem."
—Amy Gerstler


Amy Gerstler's most recent book is Scattered at Sea (Penguin Books, 2015). She teaches in the MFA creative writing program at the University of California at Irvine and lives in Los Angeles.


Poetry by Gerstler


Scattered at Sea

(Penguin Books, 2015)

"Private Eye Lettuce" by Richard Brautigan


"Lettuce" by Abraham Cowley


"Get Used To It" by Margaret Young


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