'Make self-talk positive and self-empowering."
Keeping self-talk in line with what you want to achieve is just a thought away. Listen to your thoughts. Recognize your inner dialogue. When self-talk limits you, question it, challenge it and change it.
For instance, if you hear yourself thinking, "Here I go again, making a stupid mistake. I'll never get it right," question your inner thoughts. Ask, "Why am I talking to myself so negatively?" Then, challenge this negative dialogue by telling yourself, "I can get things right."
You can change your inner voice. Just think, "That was no big deal. I'll fix it, right now." Then, fix it. It's nearly impossible to ignore your internal dialogue. Since you can't ignore it, acknowledge it. But, don't let it discourage you. When it's negative, turn it around. Tell yourself something positive and self-empowering. With this kind of positive self-talk, you can achieve anything!
Are you facing a difficult time in your life?
Give yourself the gift of patience. Patience is the main
ingredient necessary to get through difficult times.
Yes, it is hard to be patient! But, without patience, you
would have no hope. And, if the universe was created
so that your desires materialized instantly, that wouldn't
serve you either.
Patience helps you grow. It nourishes both compassion
and empathy. So, embrace patience. Ultimately this
makes you stronger.
Dreams that come true
If you had no limitations, what would you choose to achieve? If you could get up from where you are right now and go to do literally anything, what exactly would it be?
You instinctively know there are things that matter to you more than anything else. It's important to remind yourself specifically of what they are.
You may not be able to fully achieve your ideal life right now. Yet you absolutely can take very clear, definite and effective actions today to move your life in the direction of that ideal.
With every choice, with each decision, you are progressing in one way or another. Know clearly where you want to go, and even the little moments will bring you closer.
Your life is a continuing manifestation of your most firmly held intentions. So focus on the intentions that you most sincerely and passionately desire.
The dreams that come true are the dreams with which you are most intimately and consistently familiar. Know precisely what you want, and the living of your life will make it real.
Ralph Marston
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