"Making personal changes takes courage, planning, persistence and will."
Questions like "What do I want to accomplish?" and "What will make me happiest?" are difficult to answer. What's even more difficult is cultivating a plan to achieve them. But, you must. Making a plan gives you direction and purpose.
Take some time to decide what really matters. Brainstorm and figure out what you need to do to make things happen. No one but you can do this. If you don't, you risk letting others make plans for you.
Don't settle for less than you are worth. Create and cultivate your goals and aspirations. Think about them, decide how you are going to achieve them, and patiently pursue them.
It's all up to you and you can do it! Take action today.

Everything changes when we begin the day, the activity, any moment conscious of gratitude and of grace. Rich in gratitude, we can be far less frightened...far more appreciative. It's gratitude that allows us to be more live, more subtle, less opinionated but surer of what matters. It's also gratitude that connects us most deeply to what is around us...on which, on whom we entirely depend. Every day is a special day.
As each new day dawns, let your mind turn to someone you can appreciate even more sincerely and consciously, someone whose immediate wellbeing is influenced by your moods and attitudes. What greater gift can you offer than your renewed awareness that they are doing their best? Affirm that. Speak up about what's going right. Express your gratitude and forget the rest. Your own happiness will soar. So will your self-respect.

Joy in the moments
The most consistently miserable people are those who can't be happy unless everything always goes their way. The most consistently happy and fulfilled people are those who decide to enjoy and make the best of whatever comes their way.
It's great to expect the best for yourself, because your expectations drive your reality. Yet life will deliver many unexpected twists, turns and disappointments on the way to fulfilling those expectations.
Making yourself miserable about those disappointments and misfortunes won't achieve anything positive. Stop and think how much more effective you would be if you could simply accept those disappointments and then move on past them.
Expect the best, and make the most of the rest. That's the quickest way to get where you're going while finding plenty of joy in the precious moments along the way.
Ralph Marston
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