Friday, December 28, 2012

Poem-A-Day: In Tenebris by Ford Madox Ford

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In Tenebris 
by Ford Madox Ford

All within is warm,
   Here without it's very cold,
   Now the year is grown so old
And the dead leaves swarm.

In your heart is light,
   Here without it's very dark,
   When shall I hear the lark?
When see aright?

Oh, for a moment's space!
   Draw the clinging curtains wide
   Whilst I wait and yearn outside
Let the light fall on my face.

Today's poem is in the public domain.

Poetry by Ford

Selected Poems

December 28, 2012

Born in 1873, Ford Madox Ford was a prominent English novelist and editor who--with Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and Ernest Hemingway, among others--was a member of the cohort that made up the "Lost Generation."
Related Poems
by Ernest Hemingway
by Gertrude Stein
by Mark Twain

Poem-A-Day started as a National Poetry Month program in 2006, delivering daily poems from newly-published poetry titles.


Due to popular demand, Poem-A-Day became a year-round program in 2010, featuring original, never-before-published poems by contemporary poets on weekdays, and classic poems on weekends.


Browse the Poem-A-Day archive for selections since 2010. 

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