Thursday, December 27, 2012

So close to our goal.

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Dear Friends,


We are less than $900 away from our year-end goal of raising $10,000 to ensure the strength of the Academy of American Poets' programs in the year ahead. We need your help to support our work to offer poems and resources on and through Poem-A-Day, to inspire new readers to come to poetry during National Poetry Month in April, and to provide new materials that enable educators to inspire their students to write poetry on our Online Poetry Classroom.


Please consider a tax-deductible contribution to the Academy of American Poets.


All of the resources we provide are made available for free. But of course they're not actually without cost. Each year we rely on contributions from generous individuals like you to underwrite our work, enabling us to offer our programs to the widest possible public.


As we head toward a new year, we at the Academy aspire to the day that poets in the U.S. are as revered as they are in other countries, where they are celebrated in great halls and pubs alike. We believe poetry can matter to everyone, and that our lives are deeply enriched by the art form. In the words of Langston Hughes, please help us "hold fast to our dreams."  


Your tax-deductible contribution to the Academy of American Poets will enable us to continue our important work to promote poets and poetry in the year ahead. We're resolved!


I thank you in advance for joining us, and in appreciation of donations of $50 or more, we will happily send you a copy of our Poem in Your Pocket anthology.



Jennifer Benka
Executive Director, Academy of American Poets
The Academy of American Poets is recognized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization under the Internal Revenue code and meets all 20 Better Business Bureau charity standards. Donations to the Academy of American Poets are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
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