Monday, April 1, 2013

[Fropki] SHOCKING NEWS - YouTube Finally Shuts Down Tonight

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YouTube announced it will be shutting down after eight years and will no longer accept videos.
Here is the YouTube-star-studded video explaining how the site was set up as part of a contest to find the best home video on the Internet.
"We are so close to the end," Tom Liston, communications director at YouTube, said in the video. "Tonight at midnight, will no longer be accepting entries. After eight amazing years, it's finally time to review everything that has been uploaded to our site and begin the process of selecting a winner."
"We are all storytellers — that is what pulled me into this contest," said Dodson, known for the viral "Bed Intruder" Auto-Tune video. "I encourage everybody to watch as many videos as possible before YouTube deletes everything tonight."
YouTube said every video on the site will be reviewed by a panel of judges and it will take 10 years to watch them all. The winner will be announced in 2023, when the site finally comes back online.


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