Tuesday, July 2, 2013

[AffirmationstoDe-Stress] MORNING COFFEE

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"It's always uncomfortable to grow."
Many of the things that are required to build and maintain healthy self-esteem can be uncomfortable, but the truth is they are essential. The good news is, with practice, uneasiness subsides and they become part of who you are.
Saying "No," and asserting yourself, asking for what you want, expressing your true feelings, saying positive things about yourself, letting someone love and nurture you…these may all be things that are uncomfortable. But, only at first.
One sure way to conquer discomfort is to simply do what is uncomfortable. Step away from complacency and dare to grow and develop yourself today. Start by choosing something that you have been putting off. Then, just do it!
©Jane Powell
See the glass as half full.
Find the positive side of any given situation.
Its there even though it may be hard to find.
Know that everything happens for a reason,
even though you may never know what the reason is.
 Steer clear of negative thoughts.
 If a negative thought creeps in replace it with a positive thought.
Being that way
The way you see yourself has a powerful impact on what you make of yourself. And you are free to see yourself in any way you choose.
What you sincerely think of yourself influences what you do with your life. The way you spend your time, and your actions, your commitments and priorities all flow from your image of yourself.
It really doesn't matter if the image is realistic or not. Because you have the power to shape your own reality so that it agrees with the image.
What does matter is that your self-image be authentic. When you consistently see yourself as who you really, truly desire to be, that's who you become.
Your wishes alone will not make anything happen. And yet, when you persistently see yourself as you wish to be, you will guide your own actions to move your life in that very direction.
Choose a positive, meaningful, compelling and authentic vision of the way you would like to be. And then find great joy and fulfillment in really, truly being that way.
Ralph Marston

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