Thursday, July 4, 2013

[AffirmationstoDe-Stress] MORNING COFFEE

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"Fulfillment is the fruit of work that is more than a job."
Passion, a positive attitude and a sense of adventure, excitement and fun, all make your work more than just a job.
There is no mystery in the fact that the rewards of work are greater when you're engaged in what you do.
Are you engaged in your work, or is it just a job? If you dread your days in the office and feel like a robot going through the motions, then honestly ask yourself if this is how you want to spend your life.
Those who love what they do, take immense pleasure in their work experience. Achievements come naturally, and they feel refreshed and exhilarated at the end of the day.
Remember, you were born to do work that you love. So, do it. And feel the joy!
©Jane Powell
Choose right now to move forward, positively and confidently into your incredible future.
Everything you know is based on what has already happened in your life. And yet, your only influence right now is over things that have not yet happened. The things that have already happened have gotten you to where you are right now. What you need to be concerned with, however, is where to go from here.
Because you're so intimately familiar with your own past, it may seem that you have no choice but to continue moving in the same direction as before. But that is not true. Your future does not equal your past. Right now, there are an infinite number of paths which you can take. The one you're currently on is only one of them. Any of the rest are available to you.
If you're completely satisfied with where you're going, then by all means keep on going that way. But there is no reason in the world why you have to keep following that same path if it is not bringing you full and lasting fulfillment.
Every moment you have a choice, regardless of what has happened before. Choose right now to move forward, positively and confidently into your incredible future.
Something unexpected will happen today, and tomorrow, and every day. You can worry about what it might be, and fight against it when it comes, or you can accept it and deal with it in a positive way.
You cannot escape from life's uncertainty, and you really wouldn't want to. Although that uncertainty can bring pain, it can also bring great joy and powerful new positive possibilities.
What you can do is choose to grow stronger with each twist and turn. What you can do is learn, adapt, create, innovate and successfully adjust to life as it changes from day to day.
Uncertainty can sometimes be very disruptive and inconvenient and challenging. Fortunately, you have the skills to meet those challenges, and to move your life forward no matter what may come.
Though you can't know for sure what will happen in the future, you can know for sure that there's always a way to make the best of it. There's always a way to remain true to your most treasured values, and to live your life according to your highest vision.
Life is not always predictable, but that's no reason to fret. Because in that unpredictability, you'll always find valuable and meaningful new positive opportunities.
Ralph Marston


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