Thursday, October 31, 2013

[AffirmationstoDe-Stress] MORNING COFFEE

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"Concentrate on the few, not the many."
You can think of many things that you want to change or achieve. The problem is, when you set out to do too many things at once, nothing gets the full attention it needs – and, in the end, very little is accomplished.
To succeed, you need to set priorities. Choose only one or two things that you want to achieve. Concentrate your efforts exclusively on these goals. Very quickly your efficiency will soar and you will see results.
©Jane Powell
This is my life, and my dreams are worth it
Life is a courageous journey or nothing at all. We cannot become who we want to be by continuing to do exactly what we've been doing. If you are passionate about something, pursue it, no matter what anyone else thinks. That's how dreams are achieved. Be deaf when people tell you that you can't fulfill your dreams. The only place where your goals and dreams are impossible is inside your head. Once you've dreamed of it, you're halfway there. So go ahead and follow through. Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions louder than your words. Follow your heart regardless of what others tell you to do. At the end of the day it's you who has to live with your decisions, not them.
The positive side
Your attitude may be the biggest thing holding you back. And that's great news, because you can change it very quickly.
Other challenges and limitations can take much time and energy to overcome. Yet if your attitude is what's limiting you, then you have the key right here and now to break free.
Your attitude does not define you and it doesn't really control you. It does, however, exert a powerful influence on the way you see the world.
The simple fact is that with a positive, purposeful and loving attitude, you are able to see and to connect with life's best possibilities. And simply by deciding to choose it, you can immediately benefit from such an attitude.
You don't have to let your attitude be held hostage by negative people, events or circumstances. You can choose whatever attitude you wish, no matter what may be going on around you.
So give yourself a powerful advantage. Choose an attitude, right now, that will illuminate the positive side of life, and begin right away to reap the great rewards of your empowering focus.
Ralph Marston


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