Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Daily Guru.....Meditate Much More Deeply Than A Buddhist Monk

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Hi daily quote

Did you know that people who meditate everyday are many times happier than those who don't?

They're also healthier, and live longer. And, their sense of well-being is much higher than that of non-meditators. In fact, meditators are so much healthier that some insurance companies charge lower premiums for meditators than for the rest of the general population.

Meditators' minds are also sharper, and their problem-solving abilities are better.

That's one reason why many high-powered executives, and even CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, meditate.

Did you also know that meditators make a LOT more pleasurable brain chemicalsâ€"the ones you feel on those days when you feel REALLY goodâ€"and, they make these feel-good brain chemicals pretty much ALL THE TIME?

Did you know that meditators have dramatically better mental health? They have less anxiety, anger, depression, and fear, and they have better human relationships, more friends, and feel much more fulfilled in their lives?

So with all these benefits, why isn't everyone meditating?

You know why. To get these results, you have to meditate four or five hours a day, often for decades, and few people are willing to do this. And, meditation, especially at first, isn't much fun. The initial experience is somewhere between boring and frustrating. Finally, it takes quite a long time to notice any significant results, much less to experience the benefits I just mentioned.

But what if I told you that you could meditate as deeply as a Buddhist monk, literally at the touch of a button, and do it the very first time, and every time and also make all those happy brain chemicals the first time and every time?

Not only that, within a very short period of timeâ€"days or weeks instead of years or decadesâ€"you could begin receiving all the benefits I just mentionedâ€"the physical health benefits, the mental health benefits, the clarity-of-mind benefits, the relationship benefits, and the overall sense of well-being benefits.

And, you don't have to learn any complex mental gymnastics, or spend hours a day to get all of this.

Instead, you'll be using a scientifically-proven audio technology called "The Deep Trance Meditation", that will easily and effortlessly place you in the electrical brain wave patterns of deep meditation, every time.

Over the last 20 years, Nearly a million people in over 193 countries have used "The Deep Trance Meditation" to make dramatic improvements in their lives. You can, too.

It's easy, it's inexpensive, it feels VERY good it's 100% guaranteed.

Skeptical? I don't blame you. I was too, until I tried it for myself.

The "The Deep Trance Meditation" will:

- Take you into a trance like state of very deep beingness
- Boost mindpower and creativity
- Lower stress to zero
- Heighten your senses to access new levels of spiritual awareness, blissful inner calm; and,
- Heal stubborn psychological programming at the subconscious level.

CLICK HERE and learn more about "The Deep Trance Meditation".

Best wishes,

The Daily Guru

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