Monday, May 26, 2014

Get Ranking on Google 2-3 months

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I hope you're well.
I was doing some research on some of your competitors’ websites when I came across your site

Looks like you have an emerging brand name but finding it little difficult to outperform your competitors. Especially when it comes to getting the number of business leads? I ran an analysis on your site using one of our software and found simple coding & optimization issues that are harming your search rankings pretty bad.

Would you be interested in a free analysis report and keywords suggestion list with Google page 1 projection? I would be more than happy to send it to you (free of charge of course). All I want is the opportunity to discuss how I could help improve the profitability and search traffic to your site?

Let us know your requirement from your website, we are here to full fill it.
Are you free this week to discuss?

Kind Regards,

Shalini Sahu




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