Thursday, December 31, 2015

We need your help to champion poetry

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Dear Poem-a-Day Reader,


As we approach the end of 2015, there’s still time to make your gift to poetry. Please help us reach our stretch goal of $10,000 to secure our programs in the coming year.


Poetry needs champions and, with your help, the Academy of American Poets will continue growing our programs. These include Poem-a-Day, which has become one of the most important ways in which poets and readers in the United States find each other. 

The Academy of American Poets is an assembly of individuals who care deeply about poets and poetry. Please join in our efforts to share poems, support poets, and inspire the next generation of readers and writers.


                                         Thank you!

mug-shot-jen signature
Jennifer Benka,
Executive Director

P.S. Please help us raise an additional $10,000 by the end of 2015! Your gift will go a long way to demonstrate the value of poetry in our lives, and help us ensure our programs continue in 2016. In thanks for your gift of $100 or more, I’m excited to send you our new Poem-a-Day anthology, published this month by Abrams Books.



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