Wednesday, May 2, 2018

"Micro-minutes on Your Way to Work" by Brenda Hillman

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May 2, 2018

Micro-minutes on Your Way to Work

Brenda Hillman
Brenda Hillman reads "Micro-minutes on Your Way to Work."

About This Poem


"I've been working on and off for about a decade with a procedural form inspired by a Jena Osman essay; the form is six words per line, twenty-four lines. (I try to be strict but sometimes give or take a word or two and consider hyphenated words to be one.) I have used it for some ecopoetic pieces and also for pieces about odd emotions. The challenge is to put a lot of existence in a short space, which is what interests me in poetry in general. This poem originated at dawn when I heard an owl in a Berkeley treetop; I was thinking about the commute of a friend who has to do a lot of work in the public sphere. I often think about non-human energy and life that goes in and out of consciousness simultaneously with historical events. The poem also refers to Walter Benjamin's ideas about history as well as a sense that thought and light are both something and nothing."
—Brenda Hillman


Brenda Hillman's most recent poetry collection is Extra Hidden Life, among the Days (Wesleyan University Press), published in February. She received the Academy of American Poets Fellowship in 2012 and currently serves as a Chancellor of the Academy of American Poets. She is the Olivia Filippi Professor of Poetry at St. Mary's College in Moraga, California, and lives in the Bay Area with her husband, the poet Robert Hass.


Photo credit: Robert Hass


Poetry by Hillman


Extra Hidden Life, among the Days

(Wesleyan University Press, 2018)

"as the owl augurs" by Julian Talamantez Brolaski


"Costumes Exchanging Glances" by Mary Jo Bang


"Sky Lake Redux" by Michele Wolf


May Guest Editor: Matthew Shenoda


Thanks to Matthew Shenoda, author of Tahrir Suite: Poems (TriQuarterly Books, 2014), who curated Poem-a-Day this month. Read more about Shenoda and our guest editors for the year.

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