Wednesday, March 6, 2019

"Five Moths" by Carly Joy Miller

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March 6, 2019

Five Moths

Carly Joy Miller
Miller reads "Five Moths."

About This Poem


"I've embraced that I'm working toward a poetics of desire, and desire bears obsession. When an animal comes into my sight, I obsess: What is it about this particular beast, and how can I make it mine? There is a belief that we'll meet five soulmates in our lifetime. I (figuratively, of course) placed five moths in my body to discover how their instincts play into mine."
Carly Joy Miller


Carly Joy Miller is the author of Ceremonial (Orison Books, 2018), selected by Carl Phillips as the winner of the Orison Prize for Poetry. The co-director of the Adroit Journal Summer Mentorship Program and a content manager for a search engine optimization company, she lives in New York City.

Poetry by Miller



(Orison Books, 2018)

"'from The Sky Forever' [reenact reincarnate the earthquake]" by Kimberly Alidio


"Center of the World" by Safiya Sinclair


"Toward the Island" by Pablo Medina


March Guest Editor: Maggie Smith


Thanks to Maggie Smith, author of Good Bones (Tupelo Press, 2017), who curated Poem-a-Day for this month's weekdays. Read a Q&A with Smith about her curatorial approach this month and find out more about our guest editors for the year.

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