Tuesday, March 5, 2019

"In the gloaming, in the roiling night" by Ruth Awad

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March 5, 2019

In the gloaming, in the roiling night

Ruth Awad
Awad reads "In the gloaming, in the roiling night."

About This Poem


"This poem is part of a series that inspects grief by the facet. It is the realization that grief is not another planet; it is an alternate timeline with front-row seats to your old life. Nothing has changed for most people around you, but you might as well be a fly caught in amber."
Ruth Awad


Ruth Awad is the author of Set to Music a Wildfire (Southern Indiana Review Press, 2017), winner of the Michael Waters Poetry Prize and the Ohioana Book Award for Poetry. She lives in Columbus, Ohio.

Poetry by Awad


Set to Music of a Wildfire

(Southern Indiana Review Press, 2017)

"Meditation on Rain" by Alessandra Lynch


"Searching for Light" by Yao Feng


"Grief Work" by Natalie Diaz


March Guest Editor: Maggie Smith


Thanks to Maggie Smith, author of Good Bones (Tupelo Press, 2017), who curated Poem-a-Day for this month's weekdays. Read a Q&A with Smith about her curatorial approach this month and find out more about our guest editors for the year.

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