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1. Boobquake: a group to prove that boobs don't cause earthquakes
An Iranian cleric bizarrely claimed that women in sexy clothes cause earthquakes, so thousands of ladies in Facebook's 'Boobquake' campaign decided to create a group to prove him wrong.
Iran is one of the world's most earthquake-prone countries, but the explanation for the tremors by one cleric left a lot of people scratching their heads. Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi said: 'Many women who do not dress modestly
lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which (consequently) increases earthquakes.'
In order to prove him wrong, over 30,000 women have signed up to a Facebook group called Boobquake. It was started by Jennifer McCreight, who wants to test the cleric's claim scientifically, by getting thousands of women to show off their cleavages to see if any tectonic movements follow.
Cleaning public toilets is considered a social activity by some good Sasmaritans in Japan. A group that was started through Facebook meets once a week to disinfect, scrub and bond in the bathroom.
The group, called Benjyo Soujer, has 35 members who get together every Sunday morning, no matter the weather, to sanitize public toilets around Tokyo, disinfecting urinals and sinks. The group's name is a combination of the Japanese word for "lavatory" and a combination of the Japanese word for "cleaner" and the English word for "soldier."
Group members say the cleaning ritual is a way to bond as a community and cleanse the soul at the same time. Along those lines, and this may not make sense to everybody, members are encouraged to clean the toilets with their bare hands.
Benjyo Soujer's leader, Masayuki Magome, says the practice of cleaning with bare hands is similar to a practice by Buddhist monks seeking "peace of heart." It takes the group about an hour and a half to finish, and then they are on to another public restroom the following weekend.
In 2009, the Facebook group entitled "For the love of god -- don't let parents join Facebook" had 5,819 high school and college-aged members who wanted to stop the growing number of parents who were joining Facebook from "spying" on them.
Many Facebook users know that employers, teachers and admissions officers at universities use Facebook to check up on potential employees or students, but the dramatic increase in the number of parents using Facebook seemed to disturb many younger users more than the presence of any other demographic.
The group has now only 30 members because, well, parents conquered the Facebook world.
Let's face it: taxidermy is one the more unconventional art forms at the best of times. A Facebook group called 'Badly Stuffed Animals' has been set up to celebrate the more spectacular instances of pets and other animal companions that have ceased to be, expired and gone to meet their maker, kicked the bucket, shuffled off their mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the choir invisible
and other assorted quotes from Monty Python's dead parrot sketch.
Nearly 11,000 users have subscribed to the unusual fan page which features some truly bizarre images.
Apparently over 1,300,000 people are obsessed about finishing some task before hearing the microwave beep.
Over 190,000 people enjoy the act of not sneezing so much they decided to share it with their friends and family. I'm not sure how much you can talk about not sneezing.
After mayor Dave Bing nixed the idea of a Robocop statue in Detroit, interest in the potential project grew immediately. A website was launched and, of course, a Facebook group sprang up. The Imagination Station in Detroit offered a place on its property at Roosevelt Park to put the statue. And now, the project has exceeded its goal of $50,000!
Created in 2010, this Facebook community hit 1,000,000 Pringles' fan mark in less than a month. There are lot of Facebook users with big hands, I guess.
Do you know that feeling we get when an automatic door is supposed to damn well open, but doesn't? Well, 150,000 Facebook users do, and they are all gathered at this Facebook Page.
This popular quote is the inspiration for several Facebook pages. The most popular one has over 400,000 fans and its post are most about funny memes.
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