Wednesday, October 3, 2012

[AffirmationstoDe-Stress] MORNING COFFEE

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Break Destructive Habits
by Jane Powell

"Change the way you think and you'll change the way you feel."

Breaking the habit of negative thinking and replacing it with an "I can and I will" attitude is the change called for by inner confidence.

Negative thinking can be so interwoven in the fabric of whom you are that it is natural to assume it's normal. It's not! Breaking the cycle of negative thinking means you must acknowledge and face your harsh inner critic.

You have strengths, skills and talents. Recognizing and believing in them is what confidence is all about. When you are confident, it's easy to feel great, because your inner critic becomes your inner champion!
You're only a moment away from making real progress. One
Small effort can get you started.
It's nice and comfortable to stay where you are, without
Taking action, without making progress. Yet after a while
That comfort turns into stagnation, and you'll feel painful
Regret for not moving forward.
Now, however, you have the opportunity to avoid that regret.
Now, you have the chance to make valuable use of this very
It really doesn't take much to get started, and the payoff
Can be enormous. Once you make that first small effort, the
Next one comes more easily, and the one after that even more
Soon, you'll have real, solid momentum. And before long,
You'll have a real, valuable achievement.
Life is yours right now to live. Start with one small
Effort, and fulfill your greatest possibilities.

Matter of choice

Life is always a matter of choice. Whatever the circumstances may be, you can choose the level at which you live.

You can choose what to think about the various events that play out in front of your eyes. You can choose how to respond to the challenges and opportunities that come into your life.

When you choose to consistently and persistently follow a particular purpose, you will manifest that purpose in the world around you. When you choose to focus your thoughts and efforts on things of meaningful value, you will create more value.

In the next few hours, or in the next few moments, anything can happen. It may be what you planned or it may be a total surprise.

Yet whatever may happen, you can choose what to do about it. Though you are subject to many powerful forces and influences, you can choose the way you deal with them.

The life you live is a matter of choice. Choose wisely, and live richly.

Ralph Marston

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