Thursday, July 12, 2012

[AffirmationstoDe-Stress] MORNING COFFEE

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"A life without mistakes is lived without joy."
We fear mistakes more than anything else. Mistakes bring on ridicule. Mistakes expose the unsure, frail and diffident woman hiding within.
Can anyone brag of living a 'mistake free' life? Perhaps if they were to spend their days on an armchair by the fireside. A life doing this is half lived, wasted and incomplete.
Fear of making mistakes holds you back from doing many things. Ultimately too many joys go undiscovered. Regrets smother you and you become even more fearful. It's a vicious cycle.
Remember that nobody sits above you. Others may know more, but they have also walked the same path before you. To get to where they are standing, you may have to make a mistake or two. So what, why not feel the joy you deserve and go for it?
©Jane Powell
There is only now
The past is history, so let it go.
The future is a mystery, so let it come.
The present is this moment now - a gift.
To be truly in the present today, it is useful to release all your fears (based on the past) and your worries (imagined futures) - this is the work of someone who truly wants to awaken, and break free from the anchors and burdens of dead yesterdays and speculative tomorrows.
It begins simply - with awareness.
See your fears, see your worries, look at them in the face, watch them come and go.
Treat them like your children on their way out to play. Let them go.
Be here now they say, easier said than done, I hear you say.
But no one can stop us, except for ourselves.
There is only now - even if you are in planning mode, stay in the present as you plan tomorrow, its when we drift into tomorrow with our imagination that we succumb to a lazy avoidance of this moment.

Demand results
One of the most insidious ways to avoid doing what you must do is to spend your time and effort doing what's not really necessary. When you're constantly busy, it can be difficult to recognize or to admit that you're not getting anything done.
Taking action is good. Yet taking effective, productive, meaningful action is what will move you forward.
When you purchase a product or service from someone else, it's likely that you demand results in exchange for your money. Get in the habit of being just as demanding of results from your own time and your own efforts.
Pay attention to the results you're getting, and to how much value those results bring to your life and to your world. If you're not getting results that are valuable and meaningful, it's time to change your approach.
Your time is a highly precious and irreplaceable resource. Make sure that whatever you exchange your time for is even more valuable than the time and effort you spend getting it.
Instead of telling yourself that you're doing enough by merely being busy, demand results. Wisely use your time to bring real and meaningful richness to your world.
Ralph Marston

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