» Safely and effortlessly attain profoundly deep
(and extremely pleasurable) states of consciousness…
» Stimulate the creation of new communication pathways
between the logical right and creative left sides of your brain,
balancing your brain and giving you a "whole being experience"…
» Dramatically improve your learning ability, memory,
intuition, creativity, and your ability to focus,
concentrate and think more clearly…
» Create true quantum leaps in your personal self awareness…
» Significantly lower your stress levels and lower your levels
of harmful brain chemicals related to stress…
» Create remarkable improvements in your mental and emotional
health—even in areas that have stubbornly resisted change with other approaches…
» Dramatically increase your production of vital
(and very pleasurable) brain chemicals related to your
longevity, well-being, and quality of life…
Dear daily quote
Are you ready to powerfully transform your life?
If so, this email will be your turning point.
Even if you've tried to improve your life before, trust me, you haven't tried anything like this. And you haven't gotten results like this either—not even close!
How can I be so sure?
Because the information I'm about to share with you has dramatically and permanently changed the lives of countless others…even my own!!!
I'm not talking about merely helping people get a better job, shed a few extra pounds, or gain confidence to go after what they want. I'm talking about mind-blowing, awe-inspiring changes that makes the seemingly impossible—possible!
This email will show you how you can finally create your most treasured needs and desires. Not by making window-dressing changes, but by connecting with your deepest self. You'll learn how you can achieve effortless inner and outer transformation by literally accessing your DNA, which is the real key to complete and lasting change
People who engage all levels of their consciousness, experience the realm of the miraculous, such as healing themselves of disease or building a fortune from nothing.
The funny thing is, people who accomplish such feats aren't wired any differently than you are. In fact, the biological software to create perfect health and unimaginable wealth is already inside you.
The way to activate that software is to understand, at both the conscious and subconscious level, how your mind really works. Then, instead of searching for external answers, you'll be able to follow your bliss and easily shape your destiny.
Starting Now, You Can Create Radiant Health, Extraordinary Wealth,
And Whatever You Most Desire!
By using specific sound and vibrational methods used by an ancient civilization, this system affects your body at the DNA level. These combined vibrations create powerful biochemical messengers that enable you to literally access your DNA healing codes—increasing your ability to heal psychologically, physically, spiritually and emotionally.
In essence, "The Brain Evolution" program restores and balances your internal environment so you automatically create dramatic external changes. For starters, you'll enjoy harmonious loving relationships, a greater sense of well-being, and a connection with the life force of money that will bring you as much financial abundance as you want!
You'll discover what it feels like to be peaceful and blissful on the inside. And you'll finally walk away with a new kind of knowledge that is based on a deeper concept of life...
The "The Brain Evolution" program will magically connect you with:
» How sound and light affect who and how you are.
» Why it's important to elevate your cells' vibrational frequencies.
» The two emotions that allow you to access and activate biological healing codes in your DNA.
» How to create more meaningful coincidences in your life.
» What you must let go of in order to have as much money and well-being as you need and desire.
» How to trigger your body to create molecules of bliss, connectedness, and oneness.
» How to create the circumstances for true fulfillment and healing.
And much, much more!
Other sound technologies use brain entrainment in a linear and mechanistic approach, accessing a limited number of brain frequencies: alpha, beta, delta, and theta. Research has demonstrated that brain function, in fact, is not localized, but flexible and amazingly creative.
In contrast to linear models of brain function, "The Brain Evolution" program, assists your body, brain, heart, mind, and spirit to holographically access all levels of consciousness simultaneously.
"The Brain Evolution" program combines key concepts from an ancient wisdom, using sound vibration to allow you to holographically and simultaneously access your conscious and subconscious mind.
Psychiatrists, psychologists, dentists, accupuncturists, chiropractors, and other health care professionals were among the first to try "The Brain Evolution" program. They had such great results, they have since been recommending these programs to their patients to enhance well-being as well as to assist with specific conditions.
This Is Not A "How-To" Audio Program; It's Completely Experiential ... You'll Get Results From The Very First Listening!
You won't have to complete any exercises, assignments, or workbooks to reap the rewards of the program. It is designed to be used in your daily life without adding pressure or creating obligatory time constraints…simply with a click of a button.
With "The Brain Evolution" program, you can ...
» Experience the realm of the miraculous as you powerfully and effortlessly shape your destiny in just 30 minutes while you rest or sleep!
» Create an enhanced and strengthened whole being including your immune system.
» Feel more vibrantly alive and have more energy.
» Focus your energy on the things you most deeply desire and manifest these things in your life.
» Dissolve unnecessary fear, anger, resentment, inner criticism, and judgment of self and others.
» Be free of stress and full of bliss.
» Create an internal environment that supports harmonious loving relationships, rich abundance, and radiant well-being.
You Don't Have To Understand How Or Why It Works
To Experience A Magical Transformation
You may never understand exactly how or why this ancient healing technology brings such real, visible gifts into your life. But, the truth is, you don't need to. This is a truly interrelated phenomenon—something that is operating at a level far beyond human logic and reasoning.
All you have to do to magically create your heart's greatest desires is set your intention to be your Highest and Best Self and then listen to one of the CDs. You don't even have to listen consciously!
Here's a real and rare opportunity to make dramatic, lasting changes in your life. Famous actors and producers, writers, and corporate leaders are enjoying "The Brain Evolution" program, to help them attain even greater rewards in life. Why not let this program open your doors to perfect health, radiant well-being, laughter, and creativity?
"The Brain Evolution" program is a full-spectrum healing masterpiece.
I started this letter by saying it will be the turning point of your life. And I stand behind that statement.
As you'll soon see for yourself, you'll not only feel like a new person, but you'll become a new person, when you listen to this program. And all you'll have to do is set your intention to create what you desire in your life, listen to "The Brain Evolution" program, and let nature take its course!
To find out more, click here:-
The Daily Guru
P.S. The first time you listen to the "The Brain Evolution" program, you'll notice a difference—you'll feel more relaxed, rejuvenated, and restored. But perhaps more importantly, you'll activate your potential for creating an internal environment that will produce perfect health, radiant well-being, and rich abundance. "The Brain Evolution" program is layered in such a way that the more you use the program, the better. Listeners report new and different healing experiences with regular use, even after years of listening!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
daily quote ....Welcome To The Daily Guru
Thursday, July 12, 2012
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Spiritual Quotes,
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