Saturday, November 17, 2012

[AffirmationstoDe-Stress] MORNING COFFEE

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"When waiting is the hardest choice."
Are you facing a difficult time in your life?
Give yourself the gift of patience.
Patience is the main ingredient necessary
to get through difficult times.
Yes, it's hard to be patient!
 But, without patience, you would have no hope.
 And, if the universe was organized so that your
desires materialized instantly, that wouldn't serve you either.
Patience helps you grow.
 It nourishes both compassion and empathy.
So, embrace patience.
Ultimately this makes you stronger.  
Be patient!
©Jane Powell

What do I appreciate about my life?
Think of your lifestyle as a diet. 
You fill it with the fuel that's going to keep
 you performing at your highest level. 
 Supplementing your daily routine with positivity can only make you stronger.  Because once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you will start having more positive results. 
And over time, as this habit helps
you reduce stress, release your hurt,
and not take things so personally,
 you will not only feel better,
 you will look younger and live longer too.
Thanks Marcella
Enough time
Make time to do your dream. Make time to live the richness.
Make time for what's important by remembering how truly precious your time is. There is always enough time when you give sufficient value to your time.
Complaining that there's not enough time merely wastes more of your time. Instead of being resentful about what you must do, be appreciative of what you can do.
Is there something you're doing that doesn't seem like it's worth the time? Then you can either stop doing it or find ways to put more meaningful value into it.
If there's something you're doing that's not important, consider how you can make it important. Put more real value and meaning into your efforts, and the time you give to those efforts will be time well spent.
Appreciate each moment as it comes, giving your authentic best to it. And you'll have plenty of time to live the life you truly wish to live.
Ralph Marston



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