Dear Friends, Happy National Poetry Month! This April, many young people will read or write a poem for the first time, sparking what might just be a life-long appreciation of the art form. "I became a poet partly because of poetry's great mystery, and partly because of a second-grade teacher I had who believed poetry was at the center of the universe," wrote Naomi Shihab Nye, a Chancellor of the Academy of American Poets. To assist teachers like Naomi's, this year the Academy of American Poets will distribute materials to more than 150,000 schools and libraries, and offer additional free educational resources on our website, But we have more to do to ensure that students have an opportunity to engage with poetry, and we need your help. Earlier this year, we surveyed educators who have visited Overwhelmingly they shared their need for more poetry materials and resources, in print and mulitmedia, tailored to young learners. "Frankly, I'd appreciate anything," one teacher wrote, citing school budget cuts. With your support a new generation of writers will heed Rainer Maria Rilke's prompt in his Letters to a Young Poet: "Write about your sorrows, your wishes, your passing thoughts, your belief in anything beautiful." And a new generation of readers will be eagerly waiting for their words. Sincerely,
Jennifer Benka Executive Director, Academy of American Poets | | |
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