Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Poem-A-Day: Rocket Fantastic [excerpt] by Gabrielle Calvocoressi

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Rocket Fantastic [excerpt] 

He's really beautiful. When he's standing in the trees like that and thinks nobody sees him. He's like a stag. Which sounds silly but he is. The way the light shines on him. The way it bounces off his hair like spray from the sprinkler. And he doesn't know it right then. Because he's looking somewhere else. Maybe up at a bird. I was standing a few feet away and turned back because I heard him whistling when he thought I wasn't listening. He wasn't thinking of me. He was looking at a bird who was sitting in the tree and looking back at him. If his shirt was off he'd have been dappled golden in the sun coming through the leaves. He didn't notice me watching him without his shirt on. He was standing in the forest and the sun was coming through the trees and covering him so he glowed. I knew he'd be warm if I walked up and touched him. And probably not mad. He's like something in a movie or like a book we'd read in summer by the pool. He didn't see me looking because he was so peaceful staring at the bird. 



Copyright © 2013 by Gabrielle Calvocoressi. Used with permission of the author.
About this Poem:
"This poem is from a long form project/book I'm working on called Rocket Fantastic. The poem also has a lot to do with my own visual/neurological difference called nystagmus and the sense that what I am seeing might not really be there or might be becoming something closer to real as I look at it. I'm interested in the way the body and the landscape (particularly the light) become indistinguishable from each other at points in the poem."

Gabrielle Calvocoressi
Poetry by Calvocoressi

Apocalyptic Swing


Poem-A-Day launched in 2006 and features new and previously unpublished poems by contemporary poets on weekdays and classic poems on weekends. Browse the Poem-A-Day archive.


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April 10, 2013

Gabrielle Calvocoressi's most recent collection of poems is Apocalyptic Swing (Persea, 2009). She is the recipient of a Stegner Fellowship and a Rona Jaffe Women Writers' Award. She teaches at Warren Wilson College. 

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