A very Special Thank You to all of the men and women who have served in the military to give us our freedom.  "Don't let the unexpected control your attitude." You wake up in the morning feeling great about your day. Then, you get in your car and it won't start, or you spill coffee on your new skirt just before a meeting, or the babysitter calls to say she'll be late. And, that's just the tip of the iceberg. One after another, unexpected things happen until you want to scream! Wait a minute; force yourself to relax and recognize the unexpected for what it is – one of life's surprises. Take a deep breath and rationally consider your options. Choose the most appropriate way to deal with the situation, then move on. When you slow down and take this calm approach, you're empowering yourself with control. And, soon, your attitude will brighten back to the eagerness and energy with which you originally greeted the dawn. ©Jane Powell Maybe life is all about being first after all! Maybe life is all about being first after all! Not so fast. Being first is about consciousness, not competitiveness, i.e., as you sow, so shall you reap. To be loved, you have to be willing to love first; to be cherished, you have to be willing to give respect first; to be heard, you have to be willing to listen first; and to experience forgiveness and freedom, you have to be willing to forgive first. I honestly believe that the only way to get to happiness is to be happy already. Many people live their life according to the formula: Do + Have = Be. They cannot just be happy because first they have to do x, and then they have to have y. In other words, they have to have a house, they have to do more, they have to do even more, they have to have a partner, they have to have lots of money, etc. But why not just be happy? In the healing process, people often convince themselves that they have to get well before they can choose happiness again. In my work I encourage my clients to honor their pain and choose peace, to feel fear and choose love, to face the anger andchoose forgiveness, to experience the heartbreak and choose happiness, and to experience guilt and choose innocence. Gandhi once said you have to be the change you want. Why? Because the mirror cannot change without you. And the world is only a mirror. Remember, you see only your thoughts. When you shift, shift happens. If you dont, you simply experience more of the same. It is no good saying, Ill be open with you, as soon as you are open with me. Be first. Be different if you want a different outcome. Be the goal. What to be decisions will you make today? Think of your goals, your challenges, your relationships, and ask yourself, Is how I am being going to bring me what I really want? Be still a moment and reset your intention to be loving no matter what, to be kind in spite of everything, to shine your light come what may. Your to be decisions are between you and God. Let nothing steal them away. Robert Holden
 Go with what you have This moment is here, the situation is as it is, so go with it. Your best option is to adopt a positive, enthusiastic attitude, and to move forward with what you have. Wishing, complaining, blaming and harboring resentment won't do much other than waste your time. Instead, use that time to use what's available to you and make things better. Your goals and dreams are too important to put off until conditions are perfect. Go with the conditions as they are, and get busy right now with making those dreams come true. There's much to distract you, and it's easy to make perfectly reasonable excuses out of those distractions. Yet you can choose instead to focus on the task at hand, using your diligent efforts to create what you desire from what you have. Go with what you have, from where you are, with the powerful passion of authentic purpose. And you can end up anywhere you choose. Ralph Marston |
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