Wednesday, June 12, 2013

[AffirmationstoDe-Stress] MORNING COFFEE

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Stop Doubting Yourself & Start Living

 "Refuse to accept limitations."
Self-limiting beliefs are based on fears and doubts that hold you back from doing things you want or need to do. These negative thoughts dwell on your lack of ability, limited smarts, inferior looks, or, substandard skills and creativity. In other words, they see your potential as a glass half empty.
When you doubt yourself, you give power to these beliefs. The more you repeat those beliefs in your head the more powerful they become.
One of the most important decisions you can make is to challenge those self-limiting beliefs, to refuse to accept them as the truth. Self-limiting beliefs exist only in your mind. The reality is that you have talent, intelligence and the creativity to do great things.
Believe that as truth, and your life will change forever!
Emotionally separate yourself from your problems
You are far greater than your problems.  You are a living, breathing human being who is infinitely more complex than all of your individual problems added up together.  And that means you're more powerful than them – you have the ability to change them, and to change the way you feel about them.

True wealth

Everything has a cost. And that is good, because it enables everything to have value.
You get what you pay for. And that is good, because everyone wins when value can be traded equitably.
If you're not willing to pay the price, it is not possible for you to benefit from the value. What you get with no effort or payment on your part, is not worth having.
It is your participation in the creation of value that makes it valuable and meaningful to you. It is a waste of your precious life to expect something for nothing.
It is the earning, not the possession, that brings fulfillment. It is what you contribute that determines your true wealth.
The authentic and immensely satisfying wealth of life is always available to you. All you have to do, is earn it.
Ralph Marston 


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