"You cannot change anyone but yourself." When people don't live up to your expectations, it's not unusual to feel responsible for changing their behavior, especially if they are close to you. You may try and try – but when you don't succeed, you end up feeling depressed and like a failure. Changing another person can be a frustrating, impossible goal. Realize that people only change when they want to. Changing someone else is not your job! When you put yourself in the position of controlling the uncontrollable you place a heavy burden on yourself. Not only do you feel weighted down, but you use up tremendous amounts of energy in this pursuit. Instead, channel your focus toward things that you can control, such as yourself. It's a much more peaceful and productive way to live. ©Jane Powell  Accept The Things You Cant Change What you resist, persists. If you are resisting something, you are feeding it. Any energy you actively fight, you are feeding. If you are using negative energy to push something away, you are inviting it to stay. Choose to accept what is, be positive and proactive, let go of the need to control every tiny detail, and embrace peace in the process.  The fact that you can Not only are you already highly capable, you are capable of becoming even more capable. Exercise your capabilities, and nothing is beyond your reach. When you've enjoyed great success you can step forward and create even more. When you encounter disappointments and obstacles, you can raise your own level of ability to get beyond them. The way to make full and increasing use of your capabilities is to have an authentic reason. True desire will push your effectiveness higher and higher. Know that you can, know why you must, and you'll find a way to get it done. Put your amazing abilities to good use by giving yourself a powerful and meaningful reason to do so. Do not agonize over why you can't. Accept, acknowledge and express with your actions the fact that you can. Every situation is your opportunity to put your dynamic capabilities to good use. Every day is a day in which you can make a real difference in a meaningful and effective way. Ralph Marston  -
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