It is snowing here today... yikes
"Life works best with fewer non-negotiables." Non-negotiables are stances you take where you're not willing to budge an inch. You probably have non-negotiables with your partner, kids, parents and your job. They can be things that you want, things that you don't want, or, your opinions and points of view. Only you can decide where to draw the line. There are certainly things in your life that, no matter what, are non-negotiable. End of discussion! But if your list of non-negotiables is long then you may be making life more difficult than necessary. Challenge your non-negotiables. Are they all really set in stone? Remember, sometimes you need to be willing to give a little to receive greater harmony and good will. ©Jane Powell
Feeling Blue & Not Sure Where to Turn? The best person for the job is you! When youre depressed, it helps to know that there is someone by your side who is caring, compassionate and who understands what you are going through. Guess what? The best person for that job is you! When youre feeling down, be compassionate and patient with yourself. Treat yourself gently, as you would a good friend. Give yourself time and space to get through the tough times. Remember, you have survived hard times before; and, as you treat yourself with TLC, you will get through this rough patch, too. Let each moment come Allow time to pass and as it does, make good use of it. Allow life to unfold and as it does, treasure the richness of each moment. Accept and be thankful for what has been, and for what is now. Fully and lovingly utilize the opportunity of this day you now have. When the wind is at your back, use the occasion to make rapid progress. When the wind is in your face, take the opportunity to grow stronger. Learn from those who share your opinions. And learn even more from those who disagree with you. Embrace life as it comes to you. In the grand occasions and in the small moments, delight in the beauty and live the possibilities. Let each moment come in a steady, empowering procession. And add your special joy to every one. Ralph Marston -
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