Thursday, October 10, 2013

[AffirmationstoDe-Stress] MORNING COFFEE

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"Your mind can shatter your limits."
You have a choice. You can be confident or unconfident, happy or unhappy, attractive or unattractive, powerful or weak.
All these things start with you and what you tell yourself about what you can and cannot do.
Your mind is where you define your limits. If your inner thoughts are self-defeating, you will become what they tell you. If your thoughts are empowering, positive and upbeat, you will become that person. It's a self fulfilling prophecy.
Impress upon your mind what you want to be, not what you don't want to be.
That is where the true power of self suggestion lies.
©Jane Powell

Make today a breeze not a battle
''Never fight. Nothing is worth fighting for. Wisdom never fights, it waits patiently, speaks positively, releases easily, sees benefit in everything and envisions a future of abundance...knowing that all needs will be met at the right moment, in the right way. If you think life is a struggle you will always be struggling, If you think life is a breeze, your attitudes and actions will convey lightness and easiness. And that's what attracts everything you need, and much more. Make today a breeze not a battle.'' Innerspace
Try not to worry.Try to look at what you're going through as a challenge rather than an obstacle , a time to develop patience. To achieve more objectivity , detach yourself from the struggle.Have confidence in yourself, and realize that you can change your attitude even if you can't change the circumstances.
Look closely at your troubles. Don't let them cause you to give up.
Befriend them and learn from them.Feel them lose their power over you.Allow them to teach you what you want to know and move on..Try not to be afraid.
You're a survivor. You're going to handle this.You're going to find strength you didn't know you had and grace to deal with what ever comes along. Pretty soon , you'll be on the other side , and it's just a matter of time until you will look back on this time in your life and draw strength from the knowledge that even though the road was rocky , you persevered and carried on.
Go ahead and be
When you fear failure you also fear success. To the degree that you fear, you do not function.
Go ahead, get beyond the fear, and be. It's not really that difficult.
Go ahead and be. It's natural and honest and true.
There is no pain in being. The pain comes from holding yourself back, and from fighting against what was or what might be.
Stop fighting, and live the beauty and possibility of what is. Be here, now, and live each experience as it comes.
Let go of the fear, let go of the doubt, and live the moment. Instead of striving to get it this way or that, allow yourself to sincerely be.
Ralph Marston


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